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TF2 Blows, Here's Why updated!

Created 22nd September 2009 @ 20:47

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maybe it is nub on a mission :)


maybe it is nub on a mission :)

Sunday, 9 August 2009
nub on a vacation
I am going to be gone for the best part of 2 months.

After then who knows?

I love you all! Keep scouting brothers and sisters!


From his blog.



Guess i should reply with a 10.000 word long post as someone does. But thats just not me. and as for your preaching… It still looks like a vigilante group of dramaqueens spouting his/their justice. All you’re doing is twisting the meaning of what i said to your liking. Anyways carry on “SAVING” the TF2 community. Doing a great job.

Last edited by SuperFly-,


(king of all rollouts)


Memento Mori

Its gibbbbbbbz

But he’s too busy having fun with this guy








Its gibbbbbbbz

But he’s too busy having fun with this guy





Very entertaining reading.

Anonymity is the key of course.
Mr. X is the Batman of TF2!
Who the fuck cares who Bruce Wayne is? :D

I’m fucking batman.



Very entertaining reading.

Anonymity is the key of course.
Mr. X is the Batman of TF2!
Who the fuck cares who Bruce Wayne is? :D

I’m fucking batman.

ew gross


(king of all rollouts)


no i’m the batman!

i miss gossip



Fanboy, tried to hard


Fanboy, tried to hard

Trying too hard is something you know all too well, isn’t it Josh? Such as posting a hundred or so threads calling Gryzor a dirty word, all because of what is now a several months old issue? You are a young man, you have the best years of your life in your future, the bulk of your existence is still to come. You are allowed to give it up and forget, friend. You are allowed to gently bow out and stop allowing Gryzor to bother you to the extent that you linger around in a community you despise, full of people you despise, full of people who despise you. Fifty years are left for you to live – how will you choose to spend them? Shall Gryzor consume you? Will you go mad like in Der Sandmann by Hoffmann, trying to throw one of your loved ones from the steeple only to see Gryzor before you, weep for your life, and leap to your own death?

Do not have such a fate as Nathanael. You are not him. Do not become him.


Fanboy, tried to hard

Trying too hard is something you know all too well, isn’t it Josh? Such as posting a hundred or so threads calling Gryzor a dirty word, all because of what is now a several months old issue? You are a young man, you have the best years of your life in your future, the bulk of your existence is still to come. You are allowed to give it up and forget, friend. You are allowed to gently bow out and stop allowing Gryzor to bother you to the extent that you linger around in a community you despise, full of people you despise, full of people who despise you. Fifty years are left for you to live – how will you choose to spend them? Shall Gryzor consume you? Will you go mad like in Der Sandmann by Hoffmann, trying to throw one of your loved ones from the steeple only to see Gryzor before you, weep for your life, and leap to your own death?

Do not have such a fate as Nathanael. You are not him. Do not become him.

Refer to my last post

Memento Mori

Fanboy, tried to hard

retard, :D:D:D:D:D:D

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