
TF2 Blows, Here's Why updated!

Created 22nd September 2009 @ 20:47

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Instantly added the favourites. Surprisngly, it’s really well written and an awesome read. I was expecting it to be some shitnerd 13 year old saying “LAOL THIZ GME IS DEAD COS IM BAD!!1”

Wants more.



Instantly added the favourites. Surprisngly, it’s really well written and an awesome read. I was expecting it to be some shitnerd 13 year old saying “LAOL THIZ GME IS DEAD COS IM BAD!!1”

Wants more.

Agreed, brilliant stuff!



To dare call me a coward, Demsii. For shame.

Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

I disagree completely, but I still lol’d. :)


make tf2 is dead post next?



To dare call me a coward, Demsii. For shame.

Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

Does that mean you’re from Iran?

o snap.

Ok, I’ll bite. Seeing you’re calling me demsii does show you’ve not known me for very long and simply jumping on the bandwagon of the things you’ve heard around you about me. Sure, I can be a cock, but it’s only towards people that seems to lack the mental capability to have a normal conversation or like to troll. Which I do back then, obviously.

“Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”

True, so basicly, like I do, but I have the guts to post it under my own name and certainly has nothing to do with calling ANYONE a cunt on the internet?


Last edited by demsii,


“I’m not a rager, why the FUCK would you call me a rager you FUCKING TWAT.”

Demourge :(



Erm, afaik, I don’t ever said that to anyone and if you’ve ever played properly with me, you would know how I rage and if I’d rage.

For one, I hardly ever use twat.

Like I said, you’re probably someone that doesn’t know me very well and only “met” me in the last 6 months, as I’ve only used Demsii during that period.

Last edited by demsii,



I love your post.



I lol’d.



While there may be some truth in your rantings, you’re too blunt to be funny (if being funny/witty was your intention).
I’ll keep it short: There is a certain amount of pricks in every community, moreso, apparently, in gaming communities. You’re better off just not letting yourself get in a position, where you need to care about them.
On the matter itself: A premiership is the logical consequence of the situation being as it is – namely that there are 4-5 teams playing on a completely different level within division 1. And it has been like that for at least 3 seasons. I don’t see how anyone could have possibly missed that.



I don’t see how anyone could have possibly missed that.

Well assuming the person didn’t just make it up, clearly the clans mentioned didn’t. :)


I lol’d.




Fucking lol’d.



Don’t start slagging JimmyBreeze off Loe, I know for a fucking fact it wasn’t him.

Lol @ whoever’s calling me a racist on that first post… :) Get a clue m8, that isn’t my writing style at all. You might also realise, if you had half a brain cell, that I’m barely playing TF2 at all and certainly not checking ETF2L forums enough to warrant me creating a site about some decision or other.


“Greasy-haired nerd whose entire life revolves around his video game accomplishments or lack thereof. Created a website devoted to his gaming resumé, tried to form borderline division I TF2 team with other complete-mong, completely lost his shit upon complete-mong #2 getting banned, has devoted new life not to video game accomplishments but to desperately search for the opportunity to ejaculate in Gryzor’s mouth.”


I have obviously at one point or another destroyed what little self confidence you have… and for that i’m geuinely sorry that as a consequence, you have resulted to taking the internet way too seriously.

(i’ll go back to being banned now)

Last edited by nvc2,

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