Forum strategy tool
Created 10th September 2015 @ 11:05
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After a few requests to make the map analysis tool public (ably demonstrated by my lovely assistants here: I’ve made a version that’s just about acceptable for public consumption here
It’s pretty bare bones stuff, just enough to get working and provide saving and loading. Documentation is located here in case the link on the homepage escapes you. There are some limitations so it’s worth reading through.
Sideshow did all the map screen grabs and it was for i55 so it has a 6v6 focus. I’m happy to add Highlander maps but I’ll need someone who knows what they’re looking for and is willing to put some thought into it to grab the best images. Ideally someone used to leading map talks and who has played at a decent enough level to pick good angles. Any volunteers just add me or post here or whatever.
I’m aware there are other options out there but people asked for this so that’s why it exists.
Oh yeah, although the vast majority already do it’s best to use the Chrome browser as the script engines on other browsers can sometimes struggle to keep up with editing.
Example image for those who have no idea what this is
Last edited by Gentleman Jon,
the main problem as far as highlander is concerned is that loads of maps would need to have some way of seeing through walls to take screenshots.
great tool though
This looks awesome, and unlike alternatives I trust Gentleman Jon to actually take on board suggestions. No matter what the game mode or map I think that overhead shots are always going to be the most useful, at least for initial planning. Good job, Jon+Sideshow.
Absolutely astonishingly adorable!
I remember when we tried something similar for tactics and it was clunky at best, everyone had to download custom software + data packs etc. This looks really accessible.
The addition of HL maps would be great :)
can you make the image scalable to browser, it looks too small on mine ;(
Last edited by toogyboogy,
I’m pretty sure something similar has been done in the past. I just can’t recall what it was called. It only had bird view from the top.
Super cool 8)
Quoted from toogyboogy
can you make the image scalable to browser, it looks too small on mine ;(
The viewing window should scale so you could always open a local copy of that if you’re editing, editor layout changes are a bit of a project in themselves so that could take a while.
Some people have had a problem with the viewer loading a blank page. This is “by design” but is actually an undesirable hangover from the original casting purpose. It should now grab the latest status from the server when you join. If there have been no edits sent to the server yet then it’ll still be blank.
Could you perhaps add a tool so you could write text aswell?
Quoted from toogyboogy
Could you perhaps add a tool so you could write text aswell?
Short answer: maybe but not soon
Long answer: text tends to be one of those things where people like to be able to click back into it and move it around and edit it because you don’t really know how it will look before you start typing, much more so than with shapes or icons. I haven’t looked into it in detail but I think the development burden on that will be pretty high with questionable gain compared to some other changes that are in the pipeline.
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