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TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies!

Created 11th June 2015 @ 12:14

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Quoted from Permzilla


So straight off the bat, it’s meant for semi-experienced players or players that behave well. Already players which are not experienced are allowed into this ‘advanced’ lobby system just because they behave well (while I don’t play lobbies often – I assume this includes a hefty amount of players). I understand the desire to reward people who behave well – but I don’t like this solution personally. Essentially you’ve created an alternative for more experienced players, and then you’re adding non-experienced players to it.

Secondly lobbies will now be full of people trying to stat whore these rankings, while the rankings are good for a bit of ego boosting, they do not translate into a skill level. Allowing the top 20% really doesn’t mean it’s the best 20% of players.

20% is also much too high in my opinion, this is every 1 in 5 players on the website. If you want these advanced lobbies to actually be advanced I would think you would need a lot less players. Bearing in mind that not everyone in the top 20% will pay for it, but still. Only time will tell how many players sign up for it.

I think in the current state you’re describing I can’t imagine it being a significantly better playing experience, and more importantly I don’t think it will rival TF2Pickup.net for the majority of the ETF2L userbase (although perhaps more active).

This ^




I dunno how I feel about it, there are already:

Tf2Center lobbies
Tf2Pickup 6v6 + HL Pugs
Spreadsheet mixes
6v6 doublemixes

It will just divide the comp. community even more, the more people transfer to Advanced Lobbies, the slower regular lobbies will fill.



Quoted from Useless

Why would I play advanced lobbies over tf2pickup? Like, what extra services do you provide that they don’t already have for free?






how about for competing sites like tf2center and tf2pickup actually work together and create one good service instead of dividing the tf2 playerbase into even more parts? :()
also don’t see why i’d play this over tf2pickup and dblmixes



Good idea, but poor execution imo. I’m still baffled as to why you can’t just create a lobby with a skill requirement in place i.e. in the same way you can have joining mumble be a requirement you could add “Skill: High+” it’s pretty obvious that you have access to this metadata and while this isn’t perfect balancing. (e.g. bottom high medics could still add scout) it does add some kind of skill barrier and makes tf2center useful for people that actually play tf2 competitively rather than pub players looking to give 6v6 a try.

The main issue with what you have implemented has been mostly covered by Permzilla, but I really think it can’t be stressed enough that the playerrankings websites stats are nowhere near equivalent to the actual players skill.



Quoted from letto

how about for competing sites like tf2center and tf2pickup actually work together and create one good service instead of dividing the tf2 playerbase into even more parts? :()
also don’t see why i’d play this over tf2pickup and dblmixes

because why wouldn’t you prefer playing vs some noobs that are better than other noobs and having to talk to them in mumble?
oh also it costs money!
another thing to take into consideration you can get banned after you have paid money to play it.

Last edited by Phnx,


Quoted from Useless

Why would I play advanced lobbies over tf2pickup? Like, what extra services do you provide that they don’t already have for free?


Oh how disappointing

I quite like playing tf2pickup highlander matches from time to time, with the one thing bothering me being how inactive it is and as a consequence how inconvenient it can be to actually fill it up in a reasonable amount of time. For this reason alone I can be willing to temporarily ignore the mass retardation of the average tf2center player just so I can have fun. This dynamic between active playerbase and overall competence is what keeps me circulating between tf2center and tf2pickup, and it was therefore that I expected tf2center to truly crown themselves kings of the field by being the very first to have both.

Sadly, you’ve made mistakes. The monthly 1€ fee, while not much at all, is not something that I feel you should reasonably expect from the playerbase. You are big, but you are not that big. I’m not very well informed I admit but you peak at little short of 1000 people using the website simultaneously? The majority of which are casual gamers/pubbers and all other sorts of people who do not form a large enough niche that will indeed make up an active enough pay-2-play playerbase that will be capable of competing with tf2pickup. I also feel as your decision to incorporate 20% of the playerbase, while being definitively a step in the right direction, is not exactly being done properly in my view.

The aim is to have both quality as well as an active playerbase, yet it feels at first glance that this might be a shot to the foot and render the advanced lobbies with neither quality nor activity.

Might be wrong, who knows, but I’m not giving money to try something that I haven’t been convinced yet is better than an existing free service of high quality.



Quoted from Fuxx

I’m not very well informed I admit but you peak at little short of 1000 people using the website simultaneously? The majority of which are casual gamers/pubbers and all other sorts of people who do not form a large enough niche that will indeed make up an active enough pay-2-play playerbase that will be capable of competing with tf2pickup.

I always enjoy reading comments on here where people treat their opinion as fact(which is what I am going to do now because reasons), when TF2C’s actual survey found over 90% of people on the website (according to Masternoob) take lobbies seriously whenever they play. I wish people would actually try and base their thoughts on evidence rather than just what they feel, then again that is how this community has been like for several years.

Though I do agree with many other points here, it definitely is not a perfect system but I do enjoy the fact that an organisation is trying to branch out and do something not so new an idea but with a different model.

Last edited by Hildreth,


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from Hildreth

when TF2C’s actual survey found over 90% of people on the website (according to Masternoob) take lobbies seriously whenever they play


Is this for real, it can’t be



Probably the majority of casual gamers/pubbers didn’t even fill the survey, so there you go 90% :o



Quoted from letto

how about for competing sites like tf2center and tf2pickup actually work together and create one good service instead of dividing the tf2 playerbase into even more parts? :()
also don’t see why i’d play this over tf2pickup and dblmixes

Competition has always been the best thing for consumers… right?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Hildreth

TF2C’s actual survey found over 90% of people on the website (according to Masternoob) take lobbies seriously whenever they play




$1 or not no one is going to pay money to play something that is already available entirely for free.

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