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TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies!

Created 11th June 2015 @ 12:14

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Well, that’s fine. I think that’s legit and is something the TF2C Team should rather care about, but all these posts “Hey 1€ per Month for something I get for free?!” is something I wouldn’t even mention. Its a service, you don’t have to use it, and its a offer, nothing else. Personally, when I wouldn’t worry about a few things either and see a few issues here and there (and additional be an advanced player – thuhu), I think its an amount one can spare for the work other people invested that one can have fun. The same counts for serveme.tf, where I really say “Hey its an amazing service, people invested their freetime that I can enjoy playing tf2, take my money”. 

Most of you don’t like working for free, quite a number do that that for the community, and saying that asking 1€ for an optional feature is to much is like a punch in the face for a dev. This is purely for the people who say its about the 1€ and NOT about having concerns about the honesty etc of the admin team.

Last edited by Schalla,

Mother Tereza

Quoted from Meeto

I think the fact nobody trusts the TF2C team is enough of a reason for them asking for money being a bad move.

5 real facts are in contradiction with your unfounded statement:
1) 49% of our users wouldn’t mind to pay for ALs
2) My day-to-day experience dealing with a numerous manual AL applications, where people assure us that they are fine with this ridiculously low paywall.
3) Over 3000 of successful AL signups up to the current moment (less than 2 weeks have passed from the official release).
4) ALs are filling quite quickly at the peak (evening) times, they have a decent players level and pretty balanced games most of the time.
5) We keep receiving a lot of positive feedback from our satisfied users despite the fact ALs still in beta and we keep improving things.

Seems you (barely 36 lobbies played and zero ALs) and some other people who obviously have some odd issues with TF2C, and even never played ALs, aren’t equal to “everybody” :D

On other hand we want to thank everyone who supports our project and keep faith in us. Cheers!



If the payment (a paltry amount) is only for advanced lobbies then it gives you a reason to keep normal lobbies lower quality. Would rather just pay for using the whole site.


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

The monthly pay isn’t a problem for me or anybody I believe, but the fact that who would we pay to is the problem itself.

I’d be willing to give my money to Foxy or Marty for example, but I would not give my money to anybody else from the admin team

Not even kKaltUu because of his secret weed stash Kappa

But also the quality of advanced lobbies is far too similar to regular mumble-lobbies, there is barely even any change no matter how much one would defend advanced lobbies to be better than regular lobbies.
I’ve played over 700 regular lobbies in the past and almost 5 advanced lobbies, there is no difference at all whatsoever at the current state.

Last edited by Bloodis,



That’s my point, if they’re saying “pay for advanced lobbies” then you might think they aren’t worth it. The site as a whole is great though.

see the problem is you might get your regulars from the site to play but the rest of us who dont normally play lobbies because theyre aids and low level only see you denying all the problems here while banning ppl for retarded shit.
even if its only a euro u aint gonna get my money

just let kkaltuu or someone do the public speaking every single one of your posts just sound like youre an asshole without a clue

Last edited by TaylorSwiftFan100,



Quoted from Mother Tereza


5 real facts are in contradiction with your unfounded statement:
1) 49% of our users wouldn’t mind to pay for ALs
2) My day-to-day experience dealing with a numerous manual AL applications, where people assure us that they are fine with this ridiculously low paywall.
3) Over 3000 of successful AL signups up to the current moment (less than 2 weeks have passed from the official release).
4) ALs are filling quite quickly at the peak (evening) times, they have a decent players level and pretty balanced games most of the time.
5) We keep receiving a lot of positive feedback from our satisfied users despite the fact ALs still in beta and we keep improving things.

Seems you (barely 36 lobbies played and zero ALs) and some other people who obviously have some odd issues with TF2C, and even never played ALs, aren’t equal to “everybody” :D

On other hand we want to thank everyone who supports our project and keep faith in us. Cheers!

all of your facts are meaningless seriously.
1) did you check if their skill level fits AL?
2) I am pretty sure a lot less people signed up manually, so it still doesn’t mean the automated are willing to pay
3) how many of them are willing to pay?
4) can you support your claims with some data?
5) include the level of the players giving feedback.

Last edited by Phnx,



Here’s some feedback for you:

1. Remove the playerstats – requirement or make it at least top 5%. You can’t really call the lobbies advanced, if half of your team is around the skill level of open.

2. Get the balance system working properly. Most of the advanced lobbies I’ve played on have been steamrolls, and some people have said the same(for example, Scissors).

3. Make the stars next to your name invisible. All they do is just grow people’s e-penises.

4. Sort out your PR. Seems that many people are unhappy with it.


Last edited by sorsa,


UbeR |

idk, it’s going to be interesting on what renders the highest quality of lobbies/players. TPR can obviously be used to measure the individual performance over several lobbies if the logs are pure enough. Although 5% isn’t much, means just the top 200 scouts can actually play, and that could prove to be detrimental to the lobby start time.

The slippery slope is if you look at league divisions. You will need to have a weighing system for different formats (how do high div HL players fit in a 6s lobby, or someone that had played x seasons ago). it gets even worse when looking at UGC when they don’t keep an open record on which players are actually playing in matches.

And sadly since ESEA isn’t a community league and don’t have an open API you can’t automagically query their profiles. although there is a way to get a JSON response from a player page (http://www.teamfortress.tv/thread/26171/tf2center-advanced-lobbies-beta-launch/?page=3#64) so that’s a good start, but sadly not ideal.



Quoted from Mother Tereza

5 real facts are in contradiction with your unfounded statement:
4) ALs are filling quite quickly at the peak (evening) times, they have a decent players level and pretty balanced games most of the time.

Okay so you keep complaining that people treat their opinions as facts and now you literally do the same?
I see you’re getting very personal here with many people by listing their amount of lobbies played etc.

You played div 5 HL years ago. You have 6(!!!) ETF2L Officials in total.
So who is a decent player in your eyes? I skimmed through this thread and saw that many high level (mostly high lvl highlander) players think that they are not balanced at all.

The skill requirement is just a big joke, you should never take lobby logs to judge someone’s skill.

Inb4 you’re gonna say I have 0 AL. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been checking who plays Advanced Lobbies, everytime I wanted to play one I just saw that the skill level was as low as a standard 6s lobby, so I didn’t even bother.

As of typing this I have 624 standard lobbies and 0 advanced ones. No need to look it up.


Last edited by Pete_,


people complaning about tf2pickup taking a hour to fill up, when i was waiting to open a hl viaduct lobby for 2 hours and coudln’t when there was a AL one..


Quoted from Pete_


You know something’s wrong when according to tf2center I’m a better spy than Isil


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Mother Tereza


4) ALs are filling quite quickly at the peak (evening) times, they have a decent players level and pretty balanced games most of the time.
5) We keep receiving a lot of positive feedback from our satisfied users despite the fact ALs still in beta and we keep improving things.

thats categorically false.



Quoted from HartzFartz


thats categorically false.




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