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TF2Center Update: Advanced Lobbies!

Created 11th June 2015 @ 12:14

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Quoted from Hildreth


Yeah they have a very bad reputation, they need to change it to make AL work.

Maybe they are too ashamed to acknowledge it and/or hesitant to ask for help. Then in that case community should offer help and work together with the staff on resolving the situation. Given that that they need our support ofc. This might be a step in right direction.



Quoted from aura


Maybe they are too ashamed to acknowledge it and/or hesitant to ask for help. Then in that case community should offer help and work together with the staff on resolving the situation. Given that that they need our support ofc. This might be a step in right direction.

While it would be awesome if things changed I can’t see that happening. The reality of the situation is that you have a lot of people working towards making things better while a couple of people high-up undermine any goodwill by abusing their powers. I have never seen any problems with the american moderators, showerfairy does a great job and even people on this thread who were a bit arsey (foxy, kkalttu) put their time and effort into improving things without controversy.

The awkward truth is that while the same petty little abuses happen there won’t be any goodwill towards the site and things that require trust, like paid advanced lobbies, will just get the reaction this thread did. Which is kind of harsh on the guys trying so hard to make things better.

Last edited by Munky,


(Toucan Ambassador)

TF2Center Advanced Lobbies Beta Launch on TFTV

Hey if it makes more people try competitive then i’m all for it. Will the advanced lobbies themselves affect the elo? Cause if it does people will quickly be thrown out of the rankings and competitive lobbies. At least if they’re gonna only let people in within a certain “rank”.

Last edited by Lazybear,


I think the contribution to playerrankings takes into account team balance in each lobby. AKA if you’re playing against top level players and do ok you have more chances of climbing the rank than if you wail on some noobs. So even if you face harder games in advanced lobbies you probably won’t be penalized in the elo.


UbeR |

Quoted from 4hp

I think the contribution to playerrankings takes into account team balance in each lobby. AKA if you’re playing against top level players and do ok you have more chances of climbing the rank than if you wail on some noobs. So even if you face harder games in advanced lobbies you probably won’t be penalized in the elo.

That’s true. The class, the format, the scores and how long rounds take and who you are playing with / against are all weighed.

Details about the show matches tonight:

Saturday, June 20th @ 20:00 CET.
It will be a 2 hour streaming marathon.
The matches will go: EU HL -> EU 6v6 -> NA HL -> NA 6v6

EUHL – koth_lakeside : 20:15 CET
EU6v6 – cp_process_final: 20:45 CET
NAHL – pl_badwater_pro_v7: 21:15 CET
NA6v6 – cp_gullywash_final1 : 21:45 CET



NA gets Badwater pro and we get Lakeside. Hows that even works?

btw when will the teams be announced?

Last edited by Just1s,


UbeR |

We’ve got a lot of names, the ones that I can spoil since they were announced before are:

For EU, Admirable and Sideshow will be casting, and our special guests are Byte, kaidus, Hildreth, Arie, zoob, Sonny Black, Agro and WARHURYEAH!
For NA, Admirable and Sideshow will again be casting, and our special guests are Stabby, Max!, AcesGamer and b4nny!



Why is it a spoiler to announce who’s going to be participating. Isn’t the whole point of getting high profile players to drum up interest? @_@

If you’ve got some names to drop, do it :)

Last edited by EmilioEstevez,



Quoted from kKaltUu

We’ve got a lot of names, the ones that I can spoil since they were announced before are:

For EU, Admirable and Sideshow will be casting, and our special guests are Byte, kaidus, Hildreth, Arie, zoob, Sonny Black, Agro and WARHURYEAH!
For NA, Admirable and Sideshow will again be casting, and our special guests are Stabby, Max!, AcesGamer and b4nny!

I mean from the players that registered through TF2C forums. When will that list be announced?


10/10 grammar http://puu.sh/iw1YQ/3364ff123b.jpg

original photo : http://tf2center.com/al

Last edited by stephen,


Dr. med.

I am pretty sure teams are not even made yet. I believe they have the players ready but the system will match them? Since I heard this is kinda the catch, even teams and stuff… Looking forward to how this works


UbeR |

Quoted from DCS

I am pretty sure teams are not even made yet. I believe they have the players ready but the system will match them? Since I heard this is kinda the catch, even teams and stuff… Looking forward to how this works

yup, we have a set list of players, but the teams will be determined by the balancer.


wow what a fucking distaster that was



Just played some, pretty much more or less like normal lobbies.

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