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Created 30th March 2013 @ 17:28

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Quoted from MightyMe

I remember when crafz banned a guy because he was hitting him with the pan during rollout.

you were there as well? :DD

Quoted from Crafz

[…] Not only during the rollout. I was in a really crappy mood there. And that guy really asked for it. Besides, that was like a one week ban.

hey everything is fucking lame lets get on my own (all of my own) web-based pickup to ban the next kid doing something wrong
yeah no, if you’re in a crappy mood then go to sleep or something instead of abusing admin

Quoted from Chaplain

Lets all talk about pixel pickup! Anything about tf2pickup goes in the tf2pickup thread.

oops sry did not scroll down



You are banned from the pickup. The ban will end on 21-11-2037 19:56:42
You were banned because: He really proved a point here.

He really did it! :D
Fucking LOL’D!



“new pixelpickup, crafz is all mad and apparently a 12 year old, skyride forgot that arguments dont work on 12 year olds, rest is mostly trolling”


So, asking him not to hit me with the pan during the game was too much to ask?






crafz – please stay out of this thread as far as it concerns tf2pickup.net or any other projects of yours. You might not fully grasp it yet but you do more worse than you could ever do good with comments. Unless you got something to add to skyride’s project, stay away from this thread. If you wish to go full retard over something please do so on your own thread or preferably in private.

skyride – perhaps join forces with crafz? not sure how possible but that might results in proper awesomeness.


Quoted from ash

Yaya, I started writing posts in the tf2pickup.net thread since over an hour. As for teaming up with Skyride. I’m kinda up for it, but the back-end would have to be done in node.js But I’m assuming that he would not want to team up.



lol – that’s all I have to say after reading two of the pages in this thread and that’s really disheartening.

If you’ll ever need any help with coding/designing Skyride, just message me.


Quoted from Skyride


Trath’s bot was horrifically buggy. Like an utter mess. Or rather, someone elses bot that trath added about 100 lines of code to was. It’s not a perfectly fine. It had this absurdly complex login system with steam auths that confused people and didn’t even work properly half the time. A lot of the commands had really nonsensical and it just didn’t have a responsive feel to it.

Other than the ELO system which is of dubious benefit to begin with, it was far inferior to the pixel bot in very nearly every regard.

The IRC bot was not buggy (in its final/last version). It had its problems when it first started, but after about one week and a ton of fixes it was all good.

The way you had to change your steam name was indeed very confusing and in other words shit, but I didn’t know how easy real steam-auth is at the time :D

The commands were fine, I don’t know what your talking about? (!sc/sol/dem/med same as any irc bot/pixel.)

The ELO is a nice feature which aims prevent 5-0 rolls, and it does. Is that dubious benefit?

To say I had added 100 lines of code to something that already existed is offensive to me because it is not true and it disregards the many hours I put in to working on that bot.
I did indeed use an old bot as a base, but the majority of code was changed or newly added.

Inferior to the pixel bot?
-A !sub feature
-ELO balanced teams
-Live status updates by log streaming. (current score, has the game started, ETC)
-Auto-Upload to logs.tf (I coded that for a highlander bot later)
It didn’t randomly crash


(Written in a fun “competitive” manner, don’t take it to seriously ;) )


So my question seems to be valid again. Why not use Traths bot?



Hey skyride, if you’d be willing to build an API, I could build the web part of the new pixel pickup.



Quoted from Arie

Hey skyride, if you’d be willing to build an API, I could build the web part of the new pixel pickup.

+1 make it happen!

Quoted from Arie

Hey skyride, if you’d be willing to build an API, I could build the web part of the new pixel pickup.




thanks for making me smile :)


Quoted from Arie

Hey skyride, if you’d be willing to build an API, I could build the web part of the new pixel pickup.

Blargh. Now I would have to move my ass to keep my position as the owner of Europe’s biggest pickup. And I can’t say if I will do so. But good luck to you guys :)

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