
The Community LAN - 3rd to 5th July @ Enschede, Holland

Created 15th March 2009 @ 13:48

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Not a full team payed tho O.o

fu man :(



payed olol cu@lan fisk



So the deadline has passed and we have three teams paid. Two mix teams and a folded division 3 team.

Great job showing the world what the tf2 scene is made of. You should all be proud.



<- gief cookies and/or sexual gratifications to ppl who pay and show me some love.



So the deadline has passed and we have three teams paid. Two mix teams and a folded division 3 team.

Great job showing the world what the tf2 scene is made of. You should all be proud.

Yea i lol’d >_>

Amonsilas said that they prolly gonna extend the deadline another week tho.





@nvc -cod doing ya good? **safteysmiley**


prizemoney is not exactly how dunc made it out to be prior to the announcements tbh – so i can’t see teams that have no chance of winning spending money to go there if the pc’s are mainly going to just be for tournament, boring no? what are people gonna do all day?

Pretty sure i could find a sponsor to double that money in less than a week, gz on everything so far ofcourse and i love the little website, but it doesn’t seem like much effort has been done in getting sponsors and considering this is the main site for TF2 in europe, the only thing there is a small forum post and a tab named “TCL” – the signup method is awkward aswell – why not have it on the TCL site? or like i said, paste TCL everywhere here, why is it not in the banner? A tiny forum post and a tab called “TCL” means fuck all to everyone without a clue.

Also, considering this is ran partly by TCM (i.e. dunc) get them to sponsor it? What’s so difficult?

do u have to talk out loud with our tag on nvc? :(




Teams that have no chance of winning aren’t going to go because the prize money is bad?


ive read this somewhere but cant remember where: i ordered a ticket as spectator for the whole weekend, can i somehow change it to be a player afterwards?

Yeah, just contact me. :)


– All advertisement has been text, atleast on this site (the main tf2 site in .eu and what everyone attending uses), where are the vibrant images? The designer of the TCL site did really well, some extra images on this site would help alot. I can also see a large space to the left of the nav bar, couldn’t TCL have read THE COMMUNITY LAN and be a different colour?
– Dunc plays for TCM, why are they not involved?
– Where’s the timetable? Non-BYOC’s need some sort of timetable to aid those that arn’t going to win in deciding if they want to come down for a laugh, or if they want to spectate

Maybe now is the time to act on some of my points considering the deadlines have been extended





RaWr ::

How many people in the top tier of the community don’t know about the community lan?

Advertising is not a problem. Teams actually signing up is a problem. They know how to sign up, they just haven’t as of yet.

Remember this is a community lan event. It is down to the community responding to the opportunity, all the organisers can do is provide a venue, dot the I’s, cross the T’s. It still comes down to the community actually wanting to attend. If they do not, it isn’t the organisers fault, it’s simply the teams not making an effort to attend an event that would benefit the community in the future. For all the ‘pro’ teams, an event like this should be of top priority, afterall, you can’t be ‘pro’ without events. With low turnouts at existing lans, TF2 isn’t going to get many more opportunities for the game and players wishing to play professionally won’t be able to do so in the future unless the game gets some huge coverage and shows we have the numbers to make a competitive, popular and well covered event that can promote sponsors and make it worth their while sponsoring events for us.

The organisers have done a fine job so far, but it is really down to the teams at this stage. The prize money isn’t important, the number of sponsors isn’t important. If we can proove to the existing one/s that we are able to provide them with significant coverage of their products (a large scale competitive tournement that interests players outside of the event to tune in and watch the matches (see the sponsors ads)) then more events with larger sponsors will emerge after this one.

No business is going to simply throw a large sum of money at an unproven event for a single game. If you owned a business, would you pay £3000 to have your logo viewed by 500 spectators 10 times in a weekend? You could place an advert in your local paper for £20 and have 10 000 see it. It’s not value for money. What is value for money is having your logo seen and noticed by a large number of spectators who relate to the product you are advertising (Computer hardware, Broadband, Food, games all relate to our market) as well as product endorsement (We are pro and we use this therefore by some logic if you use it, you might be as good as us) and other means of incentive (prize give away for signing up to a website?… 500 signups in return for 1 headset is value for money as promotional e-mails can be sent out for years to come).

If you care about the money involved, you simply have to attend the event and proove to sponsors it is worth the money they are donating. Because it’s a community lan, everyone attending should be doing their bit to promote the sponsors, not just leaving it up to the organisers, but the most important part at this stage is to actually attend the event, reguardless of anything else as no sponsor is going to throw money at an event that resembles a house hold lan with 30 people reguardless of how much they shout how much they love a product.

Be productive, don’t sit there shouting at the organisers for not getting a large enough prize pot or for not promoting the event (a large number of competitive TF2 players know about the event). If you expect the work to be done for you and you expect to attend the future, more elaborate events then you are wrong. They aren’t going to happen without a massive community backing right off the bat, at this event.

It’s make or brake for TF2 right now and with the current attitude of some of the players in this community, we aren’t going to make it anything close to what we could if people put the effort in.



nvc – you’re not coming, so please keep out of this thread.

Admins – if nvc starts spouting more derogatory bs without having any idea what’s actually going on, could you please edit his posts? It’s tiresome when this immense TCL 2 man team is working desperately hard towards making the event happen.

To everyone else – just back from our epic 5 day holiday in London, I’ll post an “official update” shortly.

It was great meeting everyone at UKeSA and I think we’d all be delighted to get to an even better social environment in Holland. We really need those payments though! Get them coming in now please! UKeSA is over so there’s no more excuses :)



I paid for 3, tomorrow or Wednesday the rest is coming ;)

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