
Highlander pickup channel - #tf2.pug.hl

Created 13th December 2012 @ 21:52

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Quoted from Rinta

btw can we maybe have this topic sticky?
(and this – – not sticky)

Done. Once or if pixelpickup is back, I will sticky it again.



Quoted from zoob

There has been 1-4 pickups daily, so channel has been somewhat active but we always need more.

You can join channel here quickly: Type !add (e.g. !add spy pyro) to play on pickup and !status to see players.

Bumping this. You can’t have too many people on the pick up channel! More we have in IRC, more games we will get. Yes, I’m talking to you, div 5-6 hl players who think they aren’t good enough. Yes you are.



Some things you might want to know guys.
Those of you who were active in the last few days, surely noticed we haven’t played a lot of pickups. Mostly due to the lack of the proper game and mumble server. But now we are back in business with our new sponsor – Lethal-Zone(
Also, we’ve added some new features to the bot, so go and check it out at!

Last edited by Q-Ball,



Is the bot dead for good?


Quoted from SabaSaba

Is the bot dead for good?

February 25th 2013

[11:05] Boyakaah: Q-Ball: should we even continue with this? Lets shut it down?
[11:06] Q-Ball: yeah its dead
[11:06] Q-Ball: let them do whatever they want
[11:06] Q-Ball: was a nice try tho :)
[11:06] Q-Ball: could’ve gone far better
[11:07] Booyakah: yeah it was fun a while :)
[11:07] Q-Ball: will you be able to make a post at etf2l?
[11:07] Q-Ball:so people wont come whining or something

Last edited by unu,


Well, it died because there is an absence of good players in hl and playing with someone who is clearly inexperienced is not enjoyable. I believe that pickup had 9 or 10 ‘stabbystabbies’ and no decent heavies or demos, so why bother playing a pub which takes an hour to fill up when I can just join lethal zone or lokalen pub server?

And just to mention that everything that ununoctium touches, will fail someday

Last edited by aura,



Enjoy your Lokalen.


mad cuz gaped

upd: truth bombs always hurt so get used to it

Last edited by aura,


??? but highlander is noob game mode, what do you mean with “absence of good players”?



This works if Crafz does a website for it and I bring in the people. Doesn’t work otherwise.


Quoted from fraac

This works if Crafz does a website for it and I bring in the people. Doesn’t work otherwise.

I talked to crafz already the possibility of implementing a HL feature to the existing pickup site.

Let’s just say he doesn’t really fancy HL, but it would definitly fill a huge gap in the scene and could potentialy become even more popular as the main pickup site in EU



Quoted from aura

mad cuz gaped

upd: truth bombs always hurt so get used to it

The heck? I just made a note about your Lokalen pubs, as Lokalen hasn’t been around for some time and the old Lokalen servers have been Rocket Blasts since 2011.
But ok , I got “gaped and hurt by a truth bomb”

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from fraac

This works if Crafz does a website for it and I bring in the people. Doesn’t work otherwise.

Out of interest Fraac, how does your NLPG Mumble channel fare with Highlander pickups? I believe I’ve seen rooms for each class on there.

It’s unfortunate to see this pickup channel being discontinued, but I can’t say I am that surprised really. Apart from its initial launch, I’ve barely seen any promotion for it whatsoever. I know there’s a front end website so people can connect to the IRC channel via web chat, but a couple threads on ETF2L/TF.TV/UGC buried in the middle of many others is insufficient to sustain player numbers. Although I think Skyride’s opinion on who the intended target audience was for this pickup channel was obviously biased (as he likes to remind us so much about promotion of highlander), he was right.

The impression I got is that it’s supposed to be for experienced highlander players, but new players are also welcome. The reality is that if you want these new players to join then you have to engage them in some way – even something as little as reaching out to TF2 communities with player bases who either don’t play highlander/6v6, or have in some form in the past (Highlander Community Challenge) would help in spreading the word. Perhaps asking ETF2L if you could have a banner in the Sponsors section would’ve went some way towards promotion as they did it for Pixel Pickup in the past, but that bot is now dead so the benefits are questionable :)

Anyway, big credit to Q Ball and the other guys involved in making this. It’s always good to see people actually implementing ideas and not just suggesting them.

Last edited by Russian Guyovich,




UbeR |

Quoted from Q-Ball

gud jub, exactly what I was bugging you for :p

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