ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


TF2Pickup.net sponsored by SimRai.com

Created 12th December 2012 @ 00:43

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can logjam please be removed form the mappool?
-map is not in the active etf2l map pool
-you are using an outdated version of it so the argument of wanting to provide feedback for the mapmaker doesn’t work anymore if you don’t even use his latest updates
-huge fps loss on it for lots of people



Quoted from letto

can logjam please be removed form the mappool?
-map is not in the active etf2l map pool
-you are using an outdated version of it so the argument of wanting to provide feedback for the mapmaker doesn’t work anymore if you don’t even use his latest updates
-huge fps loss on it for lots of people

– We are not ETF2L. We do not follow their mappool.
– We are using old map because of the negative feedback of the latest version.
– Like..really?




Hello everybody. We have removed metalworks/sunshine from the map pool like 1-2 weeks ago but it seems that we receive some negative feedback about that. So we decided to bring another poll to make sure we did the right thing. Please vote on the link below. Thanks!

Edit: any other feedback for the map pool is also welcome btw.

Last edited by LaMqTa,


what about logjam? how long is that poll gonna last ?
never heard people complaining about sunshine as much as about logjam/metalworks



Quoted from Sarah

what about logjam? how long is that poll gonna last ?
never heard people complaining about sunshine as much as about logjam/metalworks

We will decide in the end of the week what we will do with logjam. You can see the results here and its more likely to remove it (atleast for now) – http://strawpoll.me/4840550

Last edited by LaMqTa,



bump: http://strawpoll.me/4840550 – logjam poll
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zox-SLhe3s_rfhtwuE1w0SrKQJr6LnyDXLPcbzCgYRI/viewform?usp=send_form – metalworks/sunshine polls.

– cp_granary_pro_b9 to cp_granary_pro_b10
– koth_viaduct_pro_b7 to koth_product_rc8

Last edited by LaMqTa,


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

-removed logjam
-added sunshine and metalworks to 6s mappool


Hello, it’s me again.

Above my ping issues on pickup servers appeared a new problem since update : my FPS (which are capped with fps_max 145) go below 90 on every map.

The weird part is that I don’t get those issues when I’m playing a 9v9 lobby (on lobbycenter).

WTF and in the name of God, why pickup servers don’t like me ?



Hello everybody! I am about to re-post something important for us, from our Steam Group and we would like to hear what you think about it. Thanks in advance! :)

TF2Pickup.net is supporting the i55 Fundraisers, DeutschLAN, Highlander Nations Cup & Tip of the Hats.

Yes, you read the first line correctly, behind the scenes the admins and mods for TF2Pickup.net have been able to put up a nice sum of keys and some funds to increase the DeutschLAN prizepool. Mostly thanks to your donations to TF2Pickup.net supporting us, while also unlocking some cool announcers and donator perks!

As a temporary donator perk for TF2Pickup.net we can offer a chance to get your hands on a DeutschLAN Supporter Medal if Valve decides to add these to the game*. (preview) If you donate a minimum of €30** to TF2Pickup.net between now and the 10th of September we will pass your SteamID on to the DeutschLAN admins responsible for distributing the medals.

Don't forget to tune in for coverage on BlackOut TV between the 11th & 13th of September.

i55 Fundraisers
With the fundraisers for froyotech and Ascent completed, with TF2Pickup.net providing 4 of the unusuals to be raffled, the Production Staff still needs some attention, help teamfortress.tv a full production team for Insomnia 55 between 28th – 30th of August.

Tip of the Hats
A new edition of Tip of the Hats will be showcasing a lot of different facets of Team Fortress 2 on the 19th and 20th of September, while raising money for One Step Camp. Like previous years we will also support them. How you can help raise money by playing pickups will be announced in the near future.

LAN Teams
Besides supporting i55, DeutschLAN & Tip of the Hats we are also sponsoring team Danger Dogs, who will defend the European honour on i55 & Fair Enough to step up the Highlander game on DeutschLAN.

ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup
Our master of items Wiethoofd is providing a bunch of killstreak kits (9 basic/specialized/professional) for the ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup besides any remaining funds left after sponsoring all the aforementioned tournaments, events and teams!

TF2Pickup.net Future
It has been quiet from the TF2Pickup devs, because we are and have been working on a new version of TF2Pickup.net

Because we can't spoil too much yet, here is a short list of what you can expect:
TF2Pickup.net going GLOBAL(NA/AU support)
-Map vote when added up for pickup
– New & more Announcers
– New & beautiful design
– New donator perks
– More DM Servers
– More coming soon..

* We can't guarantee the medal, but your donation will help fund various prize pools!
** You can donate items (keys, unusuals, skins, paints) instead of money

Last edited by LaMqTa,



Hey guys! I did some updates on the servers.
– Disabled picking up weapons on Ultiduo/BBall servers.
– Updated SOAP DM
– Updated TFTrue
– Added Individual single ready-up on 6v6/Ultiduo and BBall servers. (Trial period)
– Fixed the command that blocks instant-change of the map ( tv_delaymapchangeprotect “0” )
– Changed the colour/tag plugin

Edit: Please report any bugs asap, we have tested the new ready-up mode but still… :X

Last edited by LaMqTa,



Hello everybody! We are proud to announce our blog: http://blog.tf2pickup.net We will use it to announce updates on the new TF2Pickup.net website. Aaaaand also the first post is out: http://blog.tf2pickup.net/2015/08/21/tf2pickup-net-is-going-global-part-1/ . We would also like you to fill this Google Form. Its about logjam,highpass and the new individual-ready-up mode: http://goo.gl/forms/gPIOiTWnSd . Thanks for the support and get ready for some pictures next week! :D

LaMqTa, TF2Pickup.net Staff

Last edited by LaMqTa,


UbeR |

announcement of an announcement 4Head



Since we are getting many complains about metalworks we pushing a vote for it.



Hello everybody! We posted some more information (including new design pictures, uohhaa) about our upcoming global website. Have a look here and share your opinions – blog.tf2pickup.net/ . We are also looking for admins who will help us grow and improve! More info on our blog aswell.

ETF2L Season 22 & Unlocks
ETF2L is testing some unlocks for 6v6 Season 22, which should start at the end of this month or early next month!

Please test unlocks and use them as you would in a normal game, don’t switch to a class with silly unlocks and ruin pickups; as this might have unfortunate consequences.

With a bunch of unlocks being used by or against you ETF2L is interested in your opinion about these weapons; provide your feedback here: http://etf2l.org/forum/feedback/topic-32013/

To get the whitelist on server with TFTrue use the following command:
rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 4432 or set the whitelist.tf ID to 4432 when making your reservation on serveme.tf

The unlocks being tested for S22 are:
– Back Scatter
– Baby Faces Blaster

– Rocket Jumper
– Battalion’s Backup
– Mantreads
– Market Gardner

– Loch-n-Load
– Chargin’ Targe
– Sticky Jumper
– Ullapool Caber

– Holiday Punch
– Killing Gloves of Boxing

– Eureka Effect

– Classic
– Hitman’s Heatmaker
– Huntsman
– Machina

– Enforcer
– Dead Ringer
– Spy-cicle

Have fun testing the unlocks (while keeping the rules in mind!), provide feedback here and don’t forget to sign up for ETF2L Season 22.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join our Official Steam Group so you can always be up-to-date! :)


Last edited by LaMqTa,


maybe unlock the unlocks on the dm server? at least the market gardener & the loch-n-load

Last edited by n!k,

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