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TF2Pickup.net sponsored by SimRai.com

Created 12th December 2012 @ 00:43

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Server is up again.


TF2Pickup HL Chrome Plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tf2pickupnet-hl-status/gdbfklablllclgeclpdilokgmjcmckjb/related



Was really hoping one of those would be made, thank you to whoever did it! (I’m assuming it was you, kampfkeks?)


any chance both plugins can be combined or that one big one can be created to have all gamemodes supported?


Quoted from Forty-Two

Was really hoping one of those would be made, thank you to whoever did it! (I’m assuming it was you, kampfkeks?)

Yes it was me.


Quoted from Kaneco

any chance both plugins can be combined or that one big one can be created to have all gamemodes supported?

Yeah, lamqta already spoke to me about that, the problem is that you can see the total players in the bottom right corner but there only fits one number.

I already thought that you could select your gamemode but im not quite sure yet.

I also wanna add map support, so you can see what map will be played.

If somebody is interested in the code, here it is: https://github.com/HenriBeck/TF2PickupHLChromeExtension

If you have any suggestions reply to this comment or add me on steam.


Last edited by kampfkeks,



You can use our steam group discussion to leave feedback about plugin here:

We will use our steamgroup forums little more, because we already have couple of different topics lying arround on etf2l forums ;)



– Updated cp_granary_pro_b8 to pro_b9
– Updated granary DM spawns
– Updated 6v6 whitelist. Using the S21 one – http://whitelist.tf/etf2l_6v6_s21


(ETF2L Donator)

“We also accept items as donations which, will be used to keep TF2Pickup.net running or will be put to use as rewards for players who have played the most pickups in a month or other outstanding statistics we decide to reward.”

Im not sure if anyone donates to this, but why not make this go to the top medics only, 60 ppl in chat, not a game for over an hour. Same every day.


Quoted from smultron

“We also accept items as donations which, will be used to keep TF2Pickup.net running or will be put to use as rewards for players who have played the most pickups in a month or other outstanding statistics we decide to reward.”

Im not sure if anyone donates to this, but why not make this go to the top medics only, 60 ppl in chat, not a game for over an hour. Same every day.


Me and Hajdzik had a brief chat about it on the Admin/Mods page (I assume it’s viewable by the public).



We are working on it already. We will have use for those items.


Just added a chrome notification when a sub is needed. It displays the class and the map.



– Updated cp_logjam_b20pre3 to cp_logjam_b20
– Updated logjam dm spawns
+ Kampf updated the Chrome plugin. From now on you can turn on/off the notification for every gamemode. He also updated the picture of the plugin, so its more eye catchy now. Test it out and write your feedback on our steam forums. Thanks
Steam Forums: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TF2PickupNET/discussions/0/613957600540632710/
Google Chrome plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tf2pickupnet-status/gdbfklablllclgeclpdilokgmjcmckjb

Last edited by LaMqTa,


Still having weird and bad feelings on the pickup servers…

. Ping +15ms (65-75ms instead of 55ms on the DM server for instance), which means about 90-100ms when you type “status” in console
. As a consequence : a bit of delay between my shots and the display for damages
. The feeling I’m not “hitting” ennemies

I checked, I’ve no choke/loss during games. I tried many things as moving my cl_interp from 0.0152 to 0.033, changing from DirectX 81 to Direct 90, fps_max 0, 300, 999, 145 (I use a BenQ 144 hz)… I even recently reinstalled Win7.

Nothing changes… It comes to a point where I don’t have any fun to play scout during pickups. Some other French guy told me yesterday he had ping issues as well… May it come frome the servers location ? Bad routing to France ? Am I the only one suffering those issues ?

Everything was fine a couple of months ago, I really don’t understand what happened…

Haalp plz :'(

Last edited by Lithium,



Routing to the pug servers went to shit for me as well, only some months ago. Not much you can do about it though… but I imagine if the routing went bad for many people it might be worth moving the pug servers to the DM server’s location.

(DM server is in France, the PUG ones in NL iirc)

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