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Created 12th December 2012 @ 00:43
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Quoted from omrish
you just broke my heart
You are the exception of course.
please use tftrue_tv_delaymapchange 0 for map changes to work properly
Last edited by AnimaL,
Quoted from AnimaL
please use tftrue_tv_delaymapchange 0 for map changes to work properly
gonna be fixed in few mins! cheers
edit: done!
Last edited by LaMqTa,
I changed my etf2l name to match my user name, and now I keep getting a JS alert whenever I try to add:
“You don’t seem appear in the chat”. (same for all browsers)
Actually, never mind…I used the + character in the name and I guess your code couldn’t handle that.
Last edited by zaphod,
You are banned from the pickup. The ban will end on 05-11-2037 17:28:19
You were banned because: A real badass.
Does not compute
site seems to be having connection issues? keeps saying ive been timed out and need to retry also mumble dc’d too…
well yeah, admins dont play/ban anyone so its pretty much turned into lobby…
idiots spamming chat/mumble all game, demo’s who have 5 points in all of game… its sigh..
I dont know what’s happening and I dont know about the other admins, but as soon as I get my pc next week (fuckin finally) I will go tryhard admin mod and try to control pickups as much as I can.
Just hang on a few more days guise, I got dis…
There is always an !admin command you can type in general chat, which will allow you to contact the admin and let him know of any issue some of the other players may cause you.
I just want to say that I am glad there’s a working pickup but please dont let it fall apart and keep it updated.
It would be nice if there were more active admins especially about bans/warning. Why not make the command like in the old pixelpickup so it is more clear? !rep id reason
Also is it possible to implement asap a sub system? Maybe make it so you can request sub by command (e.g. !sub scout) and after tot request an announcement is shown like in tf2lobby.
Others minor suggestions:
– make an afk system.
– add a sound that says if you have been added to a pickup if you were in the queque because for example you add a scout and there are no spots free in the current pickup and after a while you are added because it starts or someone leave but you are not aware of it.
– add a !server command to get connect strings.
Last edited by Leif,
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