i46: The American Project
Created 18th June 2012 @ 22:00
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This post answers your question Cube
basically one team is definitely going, and the money they get will help reduce their cost of travel
Last edited by atmo,
Quoted from CUBE
This. The biggest question right now is what happens with excess money.
What happens if you only make $4000? Not enough to send one team, where does the money go?
What happens if you make $14,000? Enough to send one team, where does the excess $4,000 go?No offence, but Europeans probably don’t want it to go to extv’s pocket because extv’s coverage rarely benefits the European scene.
Putting this here so people can see it easily. Thanks atmo!
We will be sending 1 team. We will be making it happen.
I’m not completely opposed to sending money back if we fall short of hitting two teams, but at the same time that’s almost unfair to the earlier donors.
If we’re only a little over, i’m going to use that money to send gifts to our donors. If we’re a lot over from sending 1 team, that also means we’re very close to sending a 2nd team, and there would still be a great possibility it could happen.
My stance right now is that if we fall in between sending one team and sending two teams that we will utilize those funds to give back to our donors and to further supplement everything that is fantastic about i46. The former would be T-shirts, posters, DVDs?, while the latter is hard to pin-down right now. It is a broad statement, because I want the freedom to cover different possibilities. VanillaTF2 needs a new mic? We have $300 eXtra from the community? Let’s do it up. *Hypothetical scenario*
We shouldn’t go over (signifcantly) the amount of money we need to send a 2nd team, as we’ll shut down the fundraiser after we are assured of being within budget.
I am confident this is a realistic goal. I’d welcome people to bat around merchandise ideas for this fundraiser that’d they’d like to purchase. I’d gladly recognize you as a designer and buy you a shirt out of my own pocket, but it’d be volunteer graphic design work. Leave spots for sponsors and I’ll try hard to push when I get back.
Shdw mentioned using some of the money for a camera for eXtv, but I don’t think that will be the case. It’s a purchase we were planning on making anyways, as we’ll be using the same gear at the Dota2 International. In regards to improving the coverage eXtv hopes to produce at the LAN, I’d rather spend eXtra money for DVD production or something like that.
For the record, eXtv IS planning on producing a documentary of the event. During the run-up it’d be great to have the players rock out some webcam segments for us. Anyone else who is well spoken, with a good quality webcam + decent lighting, and interested in rambling about how TF2 has changed their life,. would be welcome to submit footage. VanillaTF2 will be handling the live production and we’ll chip in with that as they want us to.
Last edited by CUBE,
Quoted from CUBE
This. The biggest question right now is what happens with excess money.
What happens if you only make $4000? Not enough to send one team, where does the money go?
What happens if you make $14,000? Enough to send one team, where does the excess $4,000 go?No offence, but Europeans probably don’t want it to go to extv’s pocket because extv’s coverage rarely benefits the European scene.
The post above mine answered 2 and 3. Extine has final say on all expenditures and anything he says that contradicts me is based on miscommunication or assumptions that were wrong.
You must also realize that about half of donations so far have been from NA, this is an /international/ fundraiser all the way through, these same questions are being asked by the NA community and there is similar hesitancy to see any of it going to vanillatv because they in turn do very little that benefits the NA community (something that I would like to see remedied).
as for 1. The order of importance is
Caviar to be eaten off the hookers mentioned in 1
airfare (including in England transportation)
PC rental
production of DVD of documentary project for the event
Sorry for a lot of the confusion here.
Quoted from shdwpuppet
these same questions are being asked by the NA community and there is similar hesitancy to see any of it going to vanillatv because they in turn do very little that benefits the NA community
The difference being that VTV is not in control of the money…
Attention Europe (eXtine) –
Attention America (Salamancer) – were filmed when Sal was in town, they are just promo pieces vague on details since we weren’t too sure of some of the details when they were filmed. Enjoy!
Quoted from BoneS
1. What happens to all the donations if no american team go to i46?
That isnt going to happen.
Quoted from BoneS
1. What happens to all the donations if no american team go to i46?
They pay for eXtine’s honeymoon of course.
I really do completely believe you and can’t fucking wait. But this is a purely “what if” situation, and that answer doesn’t really answer it.
Quoted from shdwpuppet
The post above mine answered 2 and 3. Extine has final say on all expenditures and anything he says that contradicts me is based on miscommunication or assumptions that were wrong.
You must also realize that about half of donations so far have been from NA, this is an /international/ fundraiser all the way through, these same questions are being asked by the NA community and there is similar hesitancy to see any of it going to vanillatv because they in turn do very little that benefits the NA community (something that I would like to see remedied).
as for 1. The order of importance is
Caviar to be eaten off the hookers mentioned in 1
airfare (including in England transportation)
PC rentalproduction of DVD of documentary project for the event
Sorry for a lot of the confusion here.
Maybe more american and EU casters should switch and cast other stuff. I’d love some eXtv Euro coverage.
Last edited by Enef,
And I’d love to hear some EU casters on american games.
VanillaTV is mainly a live-casting organisation though so far. Having American casters hop in for Euro games (djc, sal etc) at 3 PM should not be a problem, but having Euro casters hop into an American game at 3 AM … hmm.
Obviously I cannot speak for the organisation, but I cannot see VTV casting any live American games, pretty much ever. And when we do cast them non-live and upload them to YouTube, I’m quite sure that everyone will have already seen the games live on eXtv. Just feels a little pointless doing it non-live, if you know what I mean.
Last edited by ThePledge,
And I’d love to hear some EU casters on american games.
Greg did last ESEA Lan coverage, was quite good but only cos Greg is good.
Quoted from ThePledge
VanillaTV is mainly a live-casting organisation though so far. Having American casters hop in for Euro games (djc, sal etc) at 3 PM should not be a problem, but having Euro casters hop into an American game at 3 AM … hmm.
Obviously I cannot speak for the organisation, but I cannot see VTV casting any live American games, pretty much ever. And when we do cast them non-live and upload them to YouTube, I’m quite sure that everyone will have already seen the games live on eXtv. Just feels a little pointless doing it non-live, if you know what I mean.
me kaidus and greg are up half the time
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