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i46: The American Project

Created 18th June 2012 @ 22:00

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Quoted from Greg



Just did a search that took me 2mins for New York to London Heathrow – tickets cost $750-$800

It really feels like no planning has gone into this, also if you book the flights 6-12weeks before the date they are more likely to be on sale.

Thats a $400 save per flight on what your “pricing” this on. I’m not surprised people are really apprehencive over donating.

That would be all well and good… if any of our players were from New York.

This is for FLOW

Chicago: 1104$
Seattle: 1213$
Salt Lake City: 1335$
Ft. Lauderdale 1100$
Norfolk: 1115$

that would put the average cost per flight at $1175, which after fees, taxes etc (which will be way more than 25 dollars btw, it can be up to another 100) will equal more than our /conservative/ estimate of 1200$ per ticket.

As far as I am aware, none of the players who are up to go live in New York and it would cost even more money to get them to new york, so your point is both wrong and invalid.

Also, I dont know what dates you priced tickets out for, but if you price them out at what the actual dates are for, you get this:

*edited for unnecessary snarkiness towards greg sorry mate <3*

Last edited by shdwpuppet,


Quoted from kaidus


What? Do you think I’m making it up? I literally went to a flight bookings website, punched in the dates and those are the prices for available flights it brought up. By all means ignore me and pay 4 figures, but you are doing it wrong.

Then please, provide me the link that I, sal, extine, my travel advisor and everyone else has missed.


*double post*

Last edited by shdwpuppet,


*trrrrippppllee laaaag*

Last edited by shdwpuppet,



I can’t help but think that all this would have been avoided had there been a page which had comprehensive details regarding the planning and where this money was going, as opposed to a post 10 pages into a forum thread.

Its unfortunate and I’m sure that its put quite a few people off donating as it hasn’t been as well publicised as it could/should have been.

Also, snappy posts at one-another isn’t going to make people want to donate if its going to result in continuous fighting over who believes what because there is no actual concrete information of where these people live, where you’re flying them from, where you’re finding the details etc. This should all be placed onto one page and will make everything much clearer.



LoL america the great land of greatness, where people beg europeans for cash






That’s .com btw.


(ETF2L Donator)

Why so many dick comments really? Does it help anyone at all or add anything to the conversation?

If you have a legitimate question, cool, ask it but don’t talk bullshit, don’t dissuade others from donating and don’t belittle the efforts of an organisation who are trying to help make i46 a great LAN. We’re the ones benefiting from i46 being good, not the Americans in particular.



shdwpuppet, I think you should add a FAQ to your original post so that people don’t have to dig through 10 pages to find the answer to their questions.
There are a lot of good, legitimate questions in this thread, most of which have been answered, so just gather them all up in one place so we don’t get the same questions over and over.



There seems to be an implication that eXtv is trying to scam money off people by lying about prices…

I think they have proven themselves trustworthy on many an occasion, if you think they haven’t got the best price, go talk to them, offer to help etc

But I really don’t think they are stupid nor greedy, so even if you are worried, I would give them the benefit of the doubt.


Quoted from kaidus

That’s .com btw.

Screenshot and demo requested


(ETF2L Donator)




The prices for flights are over 1000$ but you might want to keep looking for better deals, as some of your players will most likely get student discounts as well. Here’s what I found after about 15 min on cheapflights.com:

chicago 1068$
seattle 1054$
slc 1046$
ft ld 1098$
norfolk 1085$

These are all flights that go to Heathrow and leave enough time to get to Telford in time.



Can’t eu teams just go to an NA lan.

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