

Created 30th January 2009 @ 17:10

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#1 You can’t manage more than one team in Championship. Open division is fine, it won’t be monitored.

#2 We need clanless/inactive/not involved with UKeSA UK players to step in as managers. Please, please reply here if you’re available to do that. It doesn’t involve too much.

If your team is currently signed up by someone that is “managing” more than one team, you need to find a different UK manager ASAP.

Each manager will be required to prove their residence and that they own the IP of the team in question. This is fine for standard teams but presents a problem for MGOs – foreign MGOs, unless they purchase a UK limited company certificate, will not be able to enter UKeSA.



I’m not sure if i am supposed to like this initiative. Sure, in the beginning it was fun and all, boosting TF2 up. But now the initial rush has settled down, i’ve had time to think about it.

What is being done here, is asking people to pretend to be manager of teams they have nothing to do with. I’m sure this was never the intention of the UKeSA. Isn’t this some kind of fraud then? (Fraud is a heavy word, but i dont know any other that suits the context) I really wonder if this will do good to TF2, or bad. If i were the UKeSA, i wouldn’t allow this if i found out, and would be very displeased as well.

It is good that players take the initiative to do something for their game. The TF2 lan idea, for example, is a great one. But this one, it raises my eyebrows at the very least. What we’re doing here is willingly finding loopholes in the UKeSA system to boost TF2. (Because that is what it is, the UKeSA was supposed to be for UK players, not for some russian team “managed” by some english guy they’ve never spoken to). Sure it’s within the rules they have right now, but is stretching the limits of those rules to boost popularity for TF2 the way to go? If TF2 hsa to grow in your eyes, let it grow in another way, one that isn’t as shady as this one.

A totally different, yet related issue: (Why) do we want to increase the popularity of TF2? You might think, why am i questioning this.

First of all, TF2 has done nothing but grow since it was launched. You only have to look at the ETF2L size to see that. For me, a bigger amout of teams isn’t anything good, for several reasons. ETF2L would have to set a # of teams cap for their league. 250 teams was a stretch, and i’m still not sure if it was the best choice. This goes against my desire to let people play here, and have fun, if they want to.

As time passed, people have become more and more demanding. Things that have gone just fine for seasons, are suddenly bad, and need to be removed. Sure, if you address this in a proper matter, it can be discussed. But the way some things are brougt to us are just wrong. My point in this is: IF TF2 gets bigger, more teams will probably be whining and wanting this and that. When i started with competitive TF2, the athmosphere felt much better than it does now. Also, with more teams who will be ‘in it for the money’ so to speak, this effect will only increase.

TF2 as is has plenty of teams. So why get more. If you want to play, you can always find someone to play against, that’s not the problem. there are also plenty of leagues and cups to play in, so that can’t be it either. Recognition you say? Recognition for what? A reward for all the time you spend with TF2? For me the reward is the smile on my face when my demo makes another amazing killing spree, or the fun you can have with your team, or thankfull players when you can help them out.

end of wall of text



Surely it comes down to a team-by-team basis? I have no influence to force people to play in UKeSA, I’m merely asking.

ETF2L forums are being used as community forums. If you wish us to create a new forum and discuss UKeSA matters there, you only need to say so.

I was under the impression that ETF2L was supporting our bid to get as far as possible in UKeSA, especially considering ETF2L will get 90% of the credit for the TF2 community. I’ve already spoken to two admins who have noted the ETF2L address as the “community hub” for TF2 and it will be mentioned in magazine publications such as PCGamer.

DNB if you don’t want ETF2L to expand past its current capacity you need to clearly state it so that we know what the league’s aims are. I was genuinely under the impression that this was “the” league and that it would do anything it could to cater for as many TF2 teams as possible. If you want to stick at 250, that’s fine, but you need to definitively say so.

Not being argumentative for arguments sake btw, just saying.



Actually, DNB, next time you’re on IRC can you PM me? (dunc, #ubers3xuals)

GTG for the evening.



I appreciate your wall of text DNB as you have voiced all the possible doubts that I have thought/heard so far – and I agree with them all.



All you’ve done is declare the method as being shady. You haven’t provided any examples of potentially detrimental effects, you’re just making a completely unsupported moral claim (referring to the main point, not second argument about growth in general).


fair point and see where you’re coming from as an admin of a huge league, season after season issues arise that are detrimental to the smoothness and running efficiency of the league, but you are there to make sure it is doing so for the benefit of everyone.
It’s not a hard task to set up a community based forum for subjects such as ukesa, but it’s nice for etf2l; that the community has based their interest on here to gather support, whether it’s the largest europe league and/or they like the community to gather the input. It depends where etf2l wants to draw the line like dunc said, in terms of popularity, I’m not entirely sure why you wouldn’t want TF2 competition any larger, more teams bigger game and the longer life it will have; it’s good for TF2.
If it’s just a nuisance then consider where you are.



I haven’t checked, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you could find more abroad teams than UK based ones in the other games aswell.

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