nervousENERGY/idk Mixes for New People - Help Needed
Created 6th August 2011 @ 14:18
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So there’s no general mumble server?
Quoted from Gambles
can i be a special person?
i asked you to be my special person last night but you were too busy being a dino d-day fag to come play.
Quoted from NerdZone
So there’s no general mumble server?
Usually the NE one is used, i imagine, you can find the IP and stuff on the NE Website.
Quoted from Enef
Usually the NE one is used, i imagine, you can find the IP and stuff on the NE Website.
It’s either NE or IDK mumble.
Quoted from Monkeh
I posted on UKCS HH and UKMD…twice, because for some reason they removed my thread…twice.
It’s growing nicely now, this really does have masive potential.
Edit: I’ve now been banned from the UKMD forums! WOW! GG guys.
UKMD have an admin I do believe with a certain grudge against competitive players. I experienced it first hand myself.
Other than that – Monkeh and rest of you guys are legends, doing such a great job and people should recognize this contribution is a major one, well done lads.
Except Crashsite…you sicken me.
i believe idk4 was created and proven just out of our pub as longa s it lived. at least the lastest one. if john doesnt kick me out for inactivity over summer them i will defo help out in rage, shout and blame skils
Quoted from Enef
Usually the NE one is used, i imagine, you can find the IP and stuff on the NE Website.
tf2 lobby and double mix / red and blu
im pretty free atm, would like to help out, has mumble and war servers, know how to play the game, can hopefully “teach” newer players and get them into competative tf2
Nice, anyone else that wants to host games join the group and message me on steam, I’ll add you to the admin list.
I’ll help out when i’m back. Have mumble/servers. Good initiative
Twistedplay.ZOWIE vs Memento 20:00CEST
posted by Tp. Sketch too sexy @ 06:13PM on August 07, 2011
Join Nervous Energy mumble listen and chat in the relay :D there will be some more experienced players about to talk you through the game if needed.
PORT: 64738
Source TV: connect
have fun. we may do this once a week if it goes well hope to get more teams involved :D to join the group
Last edited by Sketch,
We also have defiant gaming doing a similar thing tonight too, please make sure you join the spec channel, not the actual match channel, thanks.
Twisted Play in TF2 Match #2
Defiant Gaming in TF2 Match #1
Cool just added, hook me up if you need one for a mix! :)
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