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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zpalmtree

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a div 4/5 6s team as scout.

I don't really have xp in 6s but my DM is good and I'm not retarded.

btw-let me know if you're adding me as I usually don't accept random invites-I get tons of retard traders adding me

Forgot to mention-been in a fair few highlander teams so I know how to comm and work with a team etc.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94226036 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Joined Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree
Joined Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 25 628
View Div 4 4 272
View Div 4 19 670


  1. mumba said:

    A fookin’ Legend would roll scouts in D5 ez game

  2. Sparky said:

    Gr8 scout, insane DM and really quite talented, easy Div 4.
    p.s. also looks sexy ingame (maybe irl too ;D )

  3. kane: Seagulls said:

    good kid

  4. daqqs said:

    Has the game sense has the dm ez div 4 my man

  5. daqqs said:


  6. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    free bump for Zetapalm,
    give him a good home!

  7. ryan: lizard said:

    wicked playa

  8. Zpalmtree said:


  9. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: e²PS said:

    Good scout and calls can do fine in 4-5!

  10. Captain Cucumber said:

    Added you

  11. ach: m'way - mon said:

    “I’m not retarded.” haha good one

  12. Zpalmtree said:

    Maybe just a little

  13. Zpalmtree said:

    Also didn’t see an add btw dunno if you changed your mind or w/e

  14. Zpalmtree said:


  15. Captain Cucumber said:

    I just can’t add you on steam for some reason, add me instead

  16. Captain Cucumber said:

    if you have added me give me a response

  17. Zpalmtree said:

    I added you, sorry about that

  18. Zpalmtree said:

    Bump again…might have one…I’m not sure

  19. ryan: lizard said:

    easy game for palm

  20. Max: Fusion said:

    Incredibly good at scout.

  21. Zpalmtree said:

    fuck it i quit this game gonna go play cs:go