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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Zpalmtree

Posted: | Last Online:

Decent DM, can also push cart.

Had an offer for div 5 scout, so mainly looking for div 4 if possible.

not much in the way of xp, used to main spy and got to playoffs in season 12 hl steel.

Can normally play everyday 4-10 GMT

Will also be happy with a sub spot in div 4

Can also do UGC silver or w/e

Have mumble+TS.

Add me on steam if you're interested.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94226036 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Joined Seal Cub Clubbing Club [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree
Joined Wu-Tang Highlander [Highlander] Zpalmtree

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 21 645
View Div 4 4 271
View Div 4 19 670


  1. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    Great player!
    He merced for my team in the past seasons playing scout, solly and spy and was really good at all of them.

    Can handle div4 for sure.

    Best of luck ZetaPalm B)

  2. Zpalmtree said:

    Thanks ^^

  3. daqqs said:

    Didn’t know scouts could backstab

  4. Zpalmtree said:

    didn’t know you were in gold

  5. daqqs said:

    ok friend

  6. kane: Seagulls said:

    good kid +rep

  7. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    Remember the times on gladblad, he’s a beast, get him, I was thinking he was a higher div soldier actually :)

  8. Zpalmtree said:

    tfw i am a good kid

  9. mumba said:

    Nice guy to talk to and has great DM and good gamesense, Easily worth trialing.

  10. Zpalmtree said:

    shameless bump

  11. ryan: lizard said:

    good girl gamer out of ten

  12. Zpalmtree said:

    ryan don’t post here you hacked and killed me when I was invisible then posted on youtube you disgust me

  13. sinr said:

    I would like to ask how you can live with yourself, and how you can not disgust yourself thinking of all the players you have scammed, Zpalmtree. I don’t think you should worry about something as harmless as hacking.

  14. Zpalmtree said:


  15. Bobslobtheblob said:

    What may make you perceive this fellow as a dick is merely your jealousy if his innate ability to make everyone hand over their hats…..

    and their lives….

  16. Zpalmtree said:

    so edgy

  17. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    dont hate the player, hate the game

  18. Zpalmtree said:


  19. Zpalmtree said:


  20. Zpalmtree said:

    bump, had an offer from a div 5 team, but would prefer 4 if possible

  21. Markusiii: e²PS said:

    rich and capable to play in div 4.

  22. Zpalmtree said:

    yes i do have hats which are subjectively sexy

  23. myrttinen said:


  24. Zpalmtree said:

    i cri evrytiem

  25. Zpalmtree said:
