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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Finland Twist

Posted: | Last Online:

Although I have no div 5 / 4 officials experience, I believe I can handle division 4 decently.

I don't blame anyone while playing and try to avoid getting angry in general with steady progress.

I am open for new playstyles and discussion, I don't hesitate having map talks etc.


//Changed to div4-5 but I still believe I could do d4 :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:110973768 Add Friend

Team History

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Left HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Joined HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Joined i am not very good at naming [1v1] Twist
Left Dinoraur [6v6] Twist
Left Vanilla Accurate Luck [6v6 Fun Team] Twist
Left Accurate Luck [Highlander] Twist
Joined Accurate Luck [Highlander] .
Joined Dinoraur [6v6] 0verflow
Left Accurate Luck [Highlander] Twist
Joined Vanilla Accurate Luck [6v6 Fun Team] .
Left The Plebeians [6v6] Twist
Joined The Plebeians [6v6] Petruskoff
Left Not So Stronk [6v6] Twist
Joined Accurate Luck [Highlander] Pie
Left The Finlanders [Highlander] Twist
Joined Not So Stronk [6v6] Twist
Joined The Finlanders [Highlander] Twist

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  1. Popcorp said:

    Better than Tseini

  2. Pie said:

    He is cute

  3. . said:

    he sounds cute when he rages :^)

  4. roban: :-) said:

    big mirolep

  5. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    div 5 would probs be better

  6. Twist said:

    olisin laittanutki mutta täs viimeisimmät d5 logit /merc

  7. Burn: xodijkrgoi said:

    big mirolep

  8. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    no eihän ne yhet logit sitä ratkase, mutta en mä lähe millekkään ristiretkelle todistaakseni mikä div oikeesti oot.

  9. Twist said:

    no joo niinhän se on mutta silti kokeilisin mieluummin div4 8)

  10. dissy: Tissi said:

    cute when mad :3

  11. Jaakarhu said:

    if you ask him what a car is he will get hyped.

    very friendly guy with div4 dm as scout/sniper. knows when to offclass and when to meatshot. gl hope you find a team :)

  12. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Best scout EU, 2shots every class 24/7. Also, awesome sniper, will get a important pick every time he offclasses =)

  13. Popcorp said:

    “Kill da scaut gais”

  14. Cam00 said:

    Good aim, can offclass to sniper too. Top d5 for sure, could probably handle d4 next season.

  15. Zpalmtree said:

    awesome guy