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ScoutSniper  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Wales Trane

Posted: | Last Online:

DStP seems to have run its course unfortunately, nobody seems especially interested in the game any longer, so I'm looking for pastures new.

– 27
– Requisite aim/gamesense/comms
– Keen/always available
– Have a server
– i46

– Keen, English speaking, Non-rage

I guess I'm inviting criticism by searching for a division higher than I've ever played an official in, but I consider myself fully capable and better than scouts searching 4 or 4/3. Add me for a chat if you are a team who might like to trial me, cheers.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10495036 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Wales [National 6v6 Team] Coleman
Left cLanda [Highlander] Trane
Left VICTORY DESTROYERS!!! [6v6] Trane
Joined VICTORY DESTROYERS!!! [6v6] Trane
Left Insane Dynamite Monkeys [6v6] Trane
Joined cLanda [Highlander] Trane
Left Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] Trane
Joined Wolves of Anatolia [Highlander] Trane
Left Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Trane
Joined Insane Dynamite Monkeys [6v6] Trane
Left Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] Trane
Joined Wales [National 6v6 Team] Trane
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Cercia
Left Pandamonium [Highlander] Trane
Joined Pandamonium [Highlander] dodgydogman
Left The Forbidden Cloacas [Highlander] Trane
Joined Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] Trane
Left Suitcase Nuke [6v6] rtan
Joined The Forbidden Cloacas [Highlander] Sir Remix
Joined Suitcase Nuke [6v6] jagbama
Left Suitcase Nuke [6v6] hezitate
Joined Suitcase Nuke [6v6] Grem

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 26 848
View Div 2/Div 3 4 383
View Div 3 6 318
View Div 4/Div 5 0 70


  1. WOODY[ said:

    love this guy! gl mate

  2. sknot said:

    love mixing with guy, brings somthing nice to mumble.

  3. Buttnose said:

    nice chap and a strong scout, deserves a keen team!

  4. instag1b: Panda said:

    What a great guy. His calming presence was always welcome in DStP and I’m sure he’ll have the same great effect in any other team.

    Oh, and he’s welsh.

  5. r7an: -9w- said:

    nice guy, good player! another one of doomys pro players!

  6. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I’m so so sad that DStP fold :(((
    Anyways, Trane is one of the best scout that I have ever seen around div4/3 levels, not only as player, because he’s keen and lovely person, lovely to have a talk through chat or mumble. I didn’t play with him so much, but when I trialed with him in DStP, I felt really motivated with him :( I hope to you the best man! If u need something, just give me a shout <3

  7. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Really nice guy, seems serious and wanting to improve, would trial!

  8. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    nice guy

  9. cho said:

    nice guy, great scout, always calm, gl !

  10. raappana: KoP!? said:

    Definitely capable of level he is searching for, always calm with calls and keen.
    Overall: get him right now, would hug again :D

  11. Pynklùùùnningen: CotC said:

    definetely better than most people that call themselves div3

  12. Phrozen: ? said:

    love this guy <3

  13. mettbroetchenstyle: TC.Pengcomp said:

    one of the most underrated sexy underwear for woman models i´ve ever seen!!!!!!

    but really, one of the greatest persons i´ve ever met so far in this game. keen as fuck, always willing to improve and motivated like hell. if you search a scout that works for his team you just HAVE to trial him!

    wish you best trane <3

  14. Brov said:

    Shame dstp folded ;[
    Good luck

  15. atmo said:

    very nice to play with, good luck!

  16. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Definitely div 3, didn`t play against him for some time now, but was always in the right spot to take me out. Good luck fast Panda. :)

  17. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    nice guy, awesome scout!

  18. Trane said:

    Bump, still looking for more trials.

    Cheers for the awesome comments so far.

  19. Ozku: |bV| - Panda said:

    For the 1½ years I played with him, I’d say you will have tough time finding anyone more loyal or keen player than trane. He could definitely handle div3, especially with his brilliant game sense. Quite calm player even when shit hits the fan, but if he shows his more cynical personality just give him a quick slap through the internet and hope he doesn’t know where you live :)

  20. dodgydogman: Panda said:

    Nice guy, loves the game, smart and good aim! Div3 ez.

  21. dodgydogman: Panda said:

    Also thanks for not being like EVERYONE ELSE and writing 3/4 or 3/2 or 2/4 or some shit. JUST PICK A DIV PEOPLE, E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E CANT BE PERFECTLY IN THE MIDDLE OF DIVS.

  22. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    How did I not see Trane’s rec post earlier?

    This guy is THE ORIGINAL PANDA MAN. Raising pandas from cubs into full fledged panda machines, I feel the way Dstp was going it was tough for Trane to keep trying to keep it together, making the right decision to fold and give birth to a new generation of PANDAS.

    <3 panda, good luck.

  23. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Impossible to be frustated when u’re assisting this guy in game <3 Really awesome player, nice person, such a nice brain, and pure comms. Wish u the best <3

    Friendly bump :]

  24. Isai: flowerpower/ said:

    trane is pretty good with scattergun

  25. mettbroetchenstyle: TC.Pengcomp said:

    Cant believe that he still has this Rec-Post, seriously guys, give him a shot.

  26. Funkadelic: [d¿s] said:

    Nice guy, good scout. gl man

  27. Trane said:

    Bump, guess I’m gonna have to make a new one of these soon I guess.

    Bored of DM, still looking.

  28. Trane said:

    Div6 at using the word guess too much.