ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Mid- Skill, 6v6

European DAKKA gaming

Posted by lolage: | Last Online:


After a tough season we didnt end up doing so bad given the circumstances. Sadly our medic/mentor XO is leaving us, as he is now looking for a div3 team. We would just like to thank him, and wish him good luck on to whatever he does next. :)

We are looking at being placed in the middle of div5 somewhere, however we wouldd like to push div4 next season once we have a solid lineup.

What we are looking for:
– Has top division 5/4 skill
– Someone who is sociable (we are normally in mumble before/after games messing around on other games, playing turris etc etc)
– Non rager (if you rage more than Ex chances are we wont want you)
– 16+

What we have to offer:
– Dakka Community – 2 match servers, lobby server, pub server, instagib server, dm server, bball servers
– Friendly guys
– Going to i40

Contact either myself(lolage), Ex or Inzomnia. You can also contact one of us in IRC – #dakka


Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 12 606
View Div 4 3 314
View Div 4 4 364
View Div 4/Div 5 16 1171
View Div 4 18 826
View Low+ 3 364
View Mid- 1 269
View Mid- 2 214
View Low+ 20 737


  1. Taoism said:

    very friendly and skilled guys, its always fun to play with them :D

  2. Chris: (0v0) said:

    played a few mixes with these guys, nice mature guys and seem dedicated :) i40 is a plus!

  3. XO - said:

    they are great guys was fun to play with them, they just need a medic who can call for them ex cant call all the time because he is the scout and the heavy classes dont know what they are doing all the time gl.

  4. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Like that comments gonna help XO! WP. Despite having ‘heavy classes’ that ‘don’t know what they are doing’! they’re a good bunch of fun guys who have the skillz to do well in Div5.

    They deserve, and need by the looks of it, a good, strong, dominating personality to tell ’em all where to go and what to do, and to call in TF2 matches too!

    Good luck guys.

  5. Farter said:

    added you…….

  6. Biohazard: IDK said:

    yet again unlucky with lineup but deserve a good dedicated medic with fucked-up sense of humour (like the rest of them <3 dakka) :P

  7. Ash: cc// - cc// said:

    I’ll be back soon :P

  8. dr icecream said:

    Shut up Ash! :D
    Great team with cohessive gameplay and a playing style that is really focussed on the medic (speaking out of experience, i’m former – D³ -, playing mixes with them and mercing for them every once in a while), with a good medic making useful calls and that is able when to and when not to uber or fall back, this team might actually make div 4 next season.