ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

European DAKKA gaming

Posted by ExcessiveEvil: | Last Online:

After our scout has left has, we\'ve had a mini team shuffle that has left us in need of a pocket solly and scout.

What we want from you:
-English Speaking (from uk would be great)
-Able to play for 2/3 hours from sunday to friday EVERYDAY at 8pm to 10/11pm UK time
-Clan Experience
-Good comms
-Good game sense
-Be social

What we can offer:
-Public server
-Match server
-Nice dudes
-Fun Timez

add excessiveevil to steam or sign up at http://www.ukdakka.com/forums or futher questions or trial etc


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Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4 12 605
View Div 4 3 313
View Div 4 4 363
View Div 4/Div 5 16 1170
View Div 4 18 825
View Mid- 8 467
View Low+ 3 363
View Mid- 1 268
View Mid- 2 213


  1. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Awesome guys, fun times in mumble.

    Any low+/mid- solly should consider these guys. GL

  2. uber_mario: brz said:

    Cool guys gl with your search. Let’s kill some bad dudes!

  3. Cyber said:


  4. DouGie: CotC said:

    enjoyed playing with these guys – know what they’re doing!

    gl :)

  5. Nrakla said:

    We’re generally pretty tolerant if you are good dm-wise but bad gamesense wise, as that’s something that can only be gained with experience. It’s hard to say we’ll take you if you have potential, because we’re only low+, but that’s pretty much what I’m saying. If you’re a pubstar or whatever you can give us an add and we’ll consider ya

  6. CH3R0KEE said:

    i want a trail add me to friends : cgremlin

  7. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:


    Also looking for low+ scout!

  8. Gremory said:

    Hey, replying to this to try for the scout spot, low- / low+ skill, season wise and div’s I have no exp due to being new to the comp scene. Abit about me: English, uses comms, very social , sense of humor, doesn’t rage / take things too seriously, works well in a team, open to critism and takes any help I can get.

    Steam add – Greg |UKCS| *UKCS is just a community tag, it is not a clan*

    Many thanks in advance and thank you for your time.

  9. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    I need your username to add you, or just add excessiveevil

  10. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    BUMP still need a pocket solly guys 8)

  11. CH3R0Kee said:

    I offer myself again as a soldier if you want add me cgremlin

  12. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Just force Andy to pocket!!!! You know he’s awesome.

  13. KaldiZ: [HA²] said:

    I am a scout and i wanna play for you guys
    If you are interested contact me
    i have some 3/4/5 div experience

  14. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    @ cherokee I think the time difference will be a huge problem for when we want to play :P

    @ duke lol he’s pro demo

    @ kaldiz sorry we have a scout now , forgot to remove it from the thread

  15. CH3R0Kee said:

    Well, good luck searching.

  16. Trips said:

    Why people leave m8?

  17. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    I no rite!

    Them clans be stealing all ma backup players?!

    How’s that clan of yours that you made then trips?

  18. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Dont feed the trolls :D

  19. lolage: TSPAG said:

    anyways, join em they are awesome guys and will do great in div5 next season!

  20. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    <3 lolage