ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Sniper  Prem/High Skill, Highlander

Denmark Starshot

Posted: | Last Online:

My old post dissapeared for some reason, so I'm making a new one:
TC Frosties is litterally in a dysfunctional respirator at the moment, so I may need to find a new team if it dies. :-(
Still looking for trials in ETF2L, so please add me if you'd like to give me a chance to trial :-).

?????? ????

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:62980066 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Lobby Preference: Allow Offclassing [6v6] Starshot
Left GRAHAM GAMING [Highlander] Starshot
Joined GRAHAM GAMING [Highlander] proky
Left Budget Toucans [Highlander] Chef Excellence
Joined Budget Toucans [Highlander] proky
Left Dignity Zero [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Dignity Zero [Highlander] Bliss
Left danish noisaes [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Lobby Preference: Allow Offclassing [6v6] Zodiak
Joined danish noisaes [Highlander] Zodiak
Left The Quitters [Highlander] Starshot
Joined The Quitters [Highlander] Anus Stretcher
Left SENSATION [Highlander] Starshot
Joined SENSATION [Highlander] Dave_IR8
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Denmark [National Highlander Team] sinr
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MoistPenguin
Left Synergy [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Synergy [Highlander] chando
Left Aerial Vomit [6v6] Starshot
Left #Surfers united [Highlander] Starshot
Joined #Surfers united [Highlander] Eriksson
Left Gatare Zemmers [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Aerial Vomit [6v6] Jedi(fla)master
Joined Gatare Zemmers [Highlander] Eriksson
Left Thank Gaben it's Friday [Highlander] Starshot
Joined Thank Gaben it's Friday [Highlander] Jonez

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 7 416
View Prem/High 1 329
View Prem/High 20 833
View Prem/High 0 200
View Prem/High 8 426
View Prem/High 22 1150
View Prem/High 7 562
View High 13 826
View High 7 735


  1. Anus Stretcher said:

    he actually do stuff

  2. Brian: (Anti Cheat Staff) - hp said:

    Bestest sniper <3

  3. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Are you ready, for accurate Freddy?

    ????? ?????????, ?????

  4. Starshot said:


  5. proky: G - MM25 said:


  6. Teatime: AEUGH - beans said:

    if you play against him you’ll get starshot

  7. morale: ez said:

    my mum told me i was a star, but then i got shot :<

  8. alba: KT said:

    i agree with Teatime :(

  9. Included_Middle: :think: said:

    Big Jack,

    ?????? ????

  10. Starshot said:

    Bump :-)

  11. chando said:

    probs best sniper lft currently

  12. Starshot said:


  13. Skudder said:

    good hook accuracy on roadhog

  14. Starshot said:


  15. Starshot said:


  16. Hammock: x22 - PitO. said:


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  17. Hammock: x22 - PitO. said:

    rip meme