ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Estonia SkullTiger

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for a highlander team as a main soldier(186hrs of soldier played).
In the past I have played in a few teams.
One of the teams was Accurate luck.
The other one is Apple Crumble.
In both teams I played as main soldier and have won a second place iron medal.
I am polite and nice guy
I am available most of the time
If you are interested add me : http://steamcommunity.com/id/skullytiger/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63064153 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left ganksquad [6v6] TheNewbie
Joined ganksquad [6v6] TheNewbie
Left Estonia [National 6v6 Team] varnu
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Whip
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] TheNewbie
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] El Beno
Left Cloudy dropped for our sins [6v6] SkullTiger
Left magnificent fags [2v2] SkullTiger
Joined Cloudy dropped for our sins [6v6] Black
Joined magnificent fags [2v2] james
Joined Estonia [National Highlander Team] TheNewbie
Left refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] SkullTiger
Joined refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] Jan
Left refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] Jan
Left jews in early 1940s [2v2] james
Joined jews in early 1940s [2v2] james
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] james
Left Medpicking Medic [Highlander] SkullTiger
Joined Medpicking Medic [Highlander] AustinN
Left Granberry juice [Highlander] SkullTiger
Joined refugeeeeeesports [6v6 Fun Team] Agen
Joined Granberry juice [Highlander] Toru
Left whishyRage.tf [Highlander] iKill_
Joined whishyRage.tf [Highlander] iKill_
Left Granberry juice [Highlander] SkullTiger
Joined Granberry juice [Highlander] Derakusa
Left Apple Crumble [Highlander] SkullTiger
Joined Apple Crumble [Highlander] Spur SGJ
Left Accurate Luck [Highlander] Pie
Joined Accurate Luck [Highlander] Pie

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 1 137
View Div 6 2 243
View Div 6 4 221
View Div 6 0 248


  1. Derakusa: -Xe- said:

    nice dm

  2. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  3. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  4. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  5. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  6. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  7. SkullTiger: [MB] said:

    b u m p

  8. TheNewbie: WhWee said:

    Get bumped m8. Also good dm on this guy. Should täke him if possible, ’cause basically knows his shit.

  9. . said:

    Please, don’t let him bump that rec post anymore, he’s very nice guy, used to play with us since very beggining, would be perfect soldier for div 6 team.

  10. SkullTiger: [MB] said:


  11. cherry said:

    great soldier