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Demoman  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands SiTeHBu0mbb

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello readers!

As you might've guessed, I'm looking for a team. Right to business,

I'm looking for:

-A team that is keen on improving as a team (match recaps, tactics, stv's)
-Team that is preferrably together for a while now of at least 4 players (~3 months)
-Maturity, friendly atmosphere
-A team that can help me improve (criticism)

I'm offering:
-Drive to improve
-Gamesense, DM (the standard antics)
-Playtimes Sun-Thu 2030-2300 (GMT+1), open for discussion though
-(Strongly) Prefer not to maincall

Ideally you as a team would be just a bit better so I can improve, I have no problems investing extra time to reach your level. I put my skill-level as div2, I don't have d2 experience yet (teamwise that is), but I'm confident I can handle it given a small timeframe (~1 month) and some support. For more detailed information about anything, contact me on steam.

Thank you for reading,


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65627 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined extra chromosomes [6v6] TheMackey5
Left Louis van Gaal's Army [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Louis van Gaal's Army [6v6] pingu
Left 6 man salt [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined 6 man salt [6v6] Palmer
Left Moustache Gaming [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Moustache Gaming [6v6] gibix
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] inferius
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left iveR [6v6] Random
Joined iveR [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Doesn't matter [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Demonic Mane [1v1] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Doesn't matter [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Team Dynamic [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Team Dynamic [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Cash Money Haters [6v6] CUBE
Joined Cash Money Haters [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Doom inc. [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Doom inc. [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Pakis
Left IHateVode [1v1] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Too many wdcttrrrr [2v2] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined IHateVode [1v1] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] Monkeh
Left Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left What's An Airstrafe ? [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Colin McRae Pro Amateur Hour [6v6] aaaaa
Joined Too many wdcttrrrr [2v2] SiTeHBu0mbb
Left Moustache Gaming [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined What's An Airstrafe ? [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Moustache Gaming [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open/Mid 10 427
View Div 2 10 835
View Div 2 19 1127
View Div 2/Div 3 19 898
View Div 3/Div 4 17 690
View Div 4 1 387
View Div 4 16 782


  1. Cu Chulainn said:

    Hes keen. He has fluent English. Consistent and strong DM. Decent brain. Great guy.

    Best of luck to you man, gunna miss you!

  2. gibix: iH said:


  3. Califax: dyn. said:

    Lol, what happened?

  4. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Cali: Difference in opinions on how to proceed.

  5. DjShrew said:

    Solid player, Quite under rated! Should go huge imo.

  6. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Good guy, great demolitions mens. Will make people explode and sticky up chokes like a boss. Give him nice homepease thank you.

  7. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Fuck typing on phones…

  8. FrankTheTank said:

    Solid demomong, my favourite bram of all time.

    Fo srs though

    Good player, strong dm and comms. Bestest demo i played with.

    I think monkeh got it right, give him a nice homepease.

  9. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Homepease pudding?

  10. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    as i noticed not that bad. mid/top d3 capable

  11. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Morning bump!

  12. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    d3/2 ez

  13. Xabi said:

    Has a great potential and a nice guy to talk to.

    Good luck mate !

  14. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Beast demo. gl!!

  15. Kiss Kiss: 8{ - 8D said:

    Punches floor. Get kills. No really, this kid makes the fucking earth move. Has a number of key skills: 1)F’sure – Closes a chokepoint. No entry through here soz. 2)Tot ’em – Does a 360. Next pipe does mucho damage. 3) Aftershock – Erry time he does something people around him are like, stunned n shit. 4) ECHO SLAMMMMM – Puts a sticky under each foot within a 500 radius. Bam. Teamwiped son.

    Weaknesses: Gets mad and messages me on steam whenever sidelane flank fail. Typical bram message: “hey peeeytor my flanks are always open why can’t these scouts be more like you.” Please protect him cos I grow tired of this whining/brownnosing.

  16. Link!: .:ne:. said:

    not div2

  17. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    Good job on reading the post!

    Digital bumb!

  18. phoenix4848: .:ne:. said:

    yeah i like him. we used to be a coupl eback in the 1980s and that shit was wired. but real talk now yo. 1 finger is enough for anyman.

  19. phoenix4848: .:ne:. said:

    but really is any one going to care of i say hes good. im div 6. my opinion is like week old cheese smelly yet delicious.

    p.s. he is really good,

  20. Sketch: MM said:

    site is a beast. Has great game sense and decent damage output. could do with a team with a strong pocket soldier to give him room to learn a bit of speed and positioning so that he doesn’t feel rushed but he will generally keep up with most situations.

    has a decent sence of how to best lock down a team for working for the cap point.

    good demo pick him up

  21. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:
