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Engineer  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom SilversSquared

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm Silver. I own a good microphone, speak perfect English and I wish to join a EU team as the timezone would be better for me.
I'm a Engineer who has around 1000 hours on this account (I've reset my hours a bunch, so I don't know the exact time per class), more on alts and my old main (which I lost to phishers); around 400 of such in Engineer.
I have a very good knowledge of maps, callouts and tactics; participating in competitions in the past and being a part of a good handful of teams.
I've been a leader of an Open Highlander and I have a great knowledge of how teams work and function, and know when the shut the fuck up during a match and speak when needed and necessary.
From my knowledge I know how to handle myself in situations of stress, anger and sadness; I'm not a person to corrupt comms with complaints or useless information.

I have a very open schedule, meaning I can play the majority of days for scrims or officials and am always very happy to help.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80649149 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Soda Overdose [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined Soda Overdose [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined Shift Key [6v6] SilversSquared
Left Team Vision [Highlander] Chasing
Joined Team Vision [Highlander] Chasing
Left Stratosphere HL [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Joined Stratosphere HL [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Left DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Joined DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Reyne
Left the F*cking Furry Furie From Furry's [Highlander] Wolve Assassin
Joined the F*cking Furry Furie From Furry's [Highlander] Wolve Assassin
Left Cubed³ [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Cubed³ | Sixes [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Cubed³ | Sixes [6v6] SilversSquared
Left The 6 Muskateers [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined The 6 Muskateers [6v6] Hickooooo
Joined Cubed³ [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Squared [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Cubed³ [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Cubed³ [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Squared [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Xenon [Highlander] Rosstisfer
Joined Xenon [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left SilverArmy [Highlander] SilversSquared
Joined SilverArmy [Highlander] SilversSquared

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