ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom SilversSquared

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm Silver. I own a good microphone, speak perfect English and I wish to join a EU team as the timezone would be better for me.
I'm a Medic who has over 700 hours on this account (around 350 as Medic), more on alts and my old main (which I lost to phishers). I've been a leader in a division 6 team in Highlander and I have a knowledge but not a great understanding of 6v6. After participating in Highlander for sometime, I saw that division 6 wasn't much of a challenge, so I'm hoping to move up into a higher division now with a new team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80649149 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Soda Overdose [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined Soda Overdose [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined Shift Key [6v6] SilversSquared
Left Team Vision [Highlander] Chasing
Joined Team Vision [Highlander] Chasing
Left Stratosphere HL [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Joined Stratosphere HL [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Left DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Hurrdeer
Joined DankeyBongBluntry [Highlander] Reyne
Left the F*cking Furry Furie From Furry's [Highlander] Wolve Assassin
Joined the F*cking Furry Furie From Furry's [Highlander] Wolve Assassin
Left Cubed³ [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Cubed³ | Sixes [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Cubed³ | Sixes [6v6] SilversSquared
Left The 6 Muskateers [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined The 6 Muskateers [6v6] Hickooooo
Joined Cubed³ [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Squared [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Cubed³ [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Cubed³ [6v6] SilversSquared
Joined Squared [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left Xenon [Highlander] Rosstisfer
Joined Xenon [Highlander] SilversSquared
Left SilverArmy [Highlander] SilversSquared
Joined SilverArmy [Highlander] SilversSquared

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  1. Tomek said:

    Hey there, im from Poland and I like playing tf2 much. I can be a good medic, but my main is scout.

  2. Tomek said:

    BTW im new to highlander.