Royal Flush
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Heyo gamers.
Looking for a team for this season of ugc. Don't really mind what div, as i want to get back into engi a bit more after my break on heavy, but around Silver or Gold would be nice i suppose.
Only really interested in main spots, have had many main spots offered in trials, and some have actually offered me places (amazes me as well). Thus at the moment, i am only interested in main spot offers, unless something comes up.
Just keep note my exams are in the background of this month, but i do have the time to conduct trials at varying times, all of which can be discussed
(Also considering etf2l offers, despite having some things potentially in the works)
(Thinking about DeutschLan as well if i can get transport from Scotland)
Add me bbys ;))))
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:91818986Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | High/Mid | 8 | 575 | ||
View | High | 0 | 214 | ||
View | High | 1 | 808 | ||
View | Mid/Low | 8 | 787 | ||
View | Mid/Low | 12 | 643 | ||
View | High | 11 | 637 | ||
View | High/Mid | 11 | 698 | ||
View | Mid/High | 9 | 743 | ||
View | Mid/High | 10 | 766 | ||
View | Mid/High | 12 | 881 | ||
View | Mid/High | 0 | 522 | ||
View | Div 5/Div 6 | 5 | 615 | ||
View | Div 6 | 10 | 761 | ||
View | Div 2/Div 3 | 16 | 800 | ||
View | Div 6 | 4 | 572 | ||
View | Div 6 | 0 | 422 | ||
View | Div 3/Div 4 | 16 | 1095 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 17 | 964 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 6 | 1055 | ||
View | Div 5/Div 6 | 7 | 951 |
lovely guy, good engineer, and SCOTTISH NATIONAL
Realy nice dude and dabest
he killed a person once
i love this guy
and his memes
get him plz
best engi there will ever be
Amazing engie. Very outgoing and friendly. Reliable too. His memes are something out of this world they’re so good.
godl dead? now i have to find somewhere else to roster ride.
rip godl
hes sick
easily high. nicest person ever. always shit talks self. is always wrong about said shittalk.
really cool guy, had a lot of fun playing with and againist him, really nice engie, even if you’re high, he’s a pretty nice buy.
15 year old edgy spymain stuff apart, he’s really cool, pick him up.
(when i talk about the 15 year old guy i’m talking about myself)ù
woah the ù fucked me up
his fashion sense is terrible, low div 6 max?
his name isnt max?
bumperino, got some offers somehow for main slots, but more offers are fun :)
Spiffing engineer main knows his stuff.Absolute beast of a heavy main destroying the puny little mortals of open.The real question here is who can stop him?.As we have a search and destroy through his recent logs we can start to understand the real inhumane skill this being has. A fine example of course is lobby logs because they show the true skill level of players. So let’s start running an analyses on these logs. For starters lets have a rundown through his glorious kills and shameful deaths. So he has done a huge amount of work this game as shown with his kills being a solid 5 and deaths being a vulnerable 4. But these statistics mean nothing the real part we need is the assisted kills as these show how useful he really is to the team and lets be fair,Ask yourselves what the real purpose of an engy is,The secret meaning behind this american filth of a class(No offence filthy engy mains).No he is not part of the Illuminati or useful for supplying great assistance to his valuable teammates to hold or maintain a certain position but his true meaning is to supply valuable ammunition,health and damage to enemy’s and fellow TEAm-MATES which he has done a fine example here.Lets move on to our next factor and start eye-browsing through this GODLy engineers team history and current team.So he is in Scottish national which is extremely cute as they will be scavenged on by the WELSH NATIONAL but this is irrelevant so lets refocus on the situation.As you can see from the comments above and the hate for me below this engineer/heavy main is prodigy of engy/heavy mains.Hell i don’t know how he hasn’t been picked up yet but on a deadly serious note he is an extremely capable and kappable engineer and you have my word he is a great engy because my word means a lot in this community. #RIPGODL #NATIONAL
^ didn’t read but you’re div 6 so your opinion is worth nothing
either way, good engineer, will do well in high/gold/plat/whatever without a problem
nice one bloodis
Nice meme oh no national no tears just dreams
one day my sweet prince
sick engie, i would bang idk about you. DM isnt his strong point, but with this gamesensese who care
bad engie* sorry autocorrect
bumping: made some changes to the post to look only for main spots. Still interested in any div trials and shizz
Flush is 10/10 I want him with me at all times.
Don’t get him. People will only focus him and you will lose your game, because he’s carry. A dead carry.
Very nice dude
just give him a team come on. he’s so nice and good at carrying you will never want to let him go
Gave me a lot of info about current teams and players. Knows a lot of stuff. Extremly friendly guy :)
A good Engie, he’ll do work.
Good engie, impossible to take his sentries down and really chilled. Easily Gold
gonna give this a final bump in case someone wants to steal me from Dyawyb’s clutches
very good engi