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MedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European PrankArmy

Posted by -villejh-: | Last Online:

New 6v6 team looking for a pocket soldier, 1 scout and a medic. A working microphone and ability to use mumble required. Most team members have no prior competitive experience aside from tf2center lobbies, so we're looking to move forward.

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  1. FleetingStar said:

    I’m a medic main looking to get into competitive – I have a mic and use mumble :)

  2. T.J aka kacperski75 said:

    Sing me in as a medic main – i have none comp experience, olny some lobbies, but i pros=mise to practise :)

  3. Astie said:

    Hey brah!
    Im a hungarian guy, i play pocket, roamer, and can play scunt. (or sniper off – 220 hrs as sniper)
    I have 420 hrs as soly, really, not mlg. I have played 500 lobbies, and played in S25, and I REALLY NEED a team for S26!
    I have all communication apps (mumble, disc, ts3, stb…).
    add me: https://steamcommunity.com/id/astie
    Thanks! :)

  4. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    yo, i added you, you deleted my request wtf

  5. HumanCake: MM said:

    Hello there, I am looking for team, not only in order to play competitive, but also play with a group that I enjoy spending time with.

    I mainly play soldier, but not with a lot of comp experience, so pocketing is new to me. That said I do have decent death match skills, and I do know how to aim a shotgun.

    If you are interested, you can hit me up to see if the chemistry between me and the team is there.

    Thanks for your time, and good luck with the team :)

  6. Tinker: ˙❤‿❤˙ said:

    Got 3 seasons of HL and 1 season of 6s under my belt, Can only play pocket and maybe scout. My time schedule is very tight so it will need to be discussed

  7. duckers: ORACLE - GYM said:

    Am a decent OPEN scout, looking to improve. Add me kthx

  8. Goliac said:

    İ am main scout, i have 2000+ hours and 400+ comp matches in tf2c. İ have microphone. İ never played in a comp team before. İ’ll be happy (very happy) if you contact me.