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ScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England Papercut

Posted: | Last Online:

Rasta.TF2 Smegma: no rec post :D?
http://www.benmdavies.com Papercut@Trial: nah cba
http://www.benmdavies.com Papercut@Trial: atm
http://www.benmdavies.com Papercut@Trial: can you write me one
http://www.benmdavies.com Papercut@Trial: and i'll post it ;)
Rasta.TF2 Smegma: lol xD my post was : can play scout and soldier to stable div 4 level if your interested add me on steam :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42646750 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 6 Brogues [6v6] Papercut
Joined TEAM NAME [6v6 Fun Team] Slliter
Left RTA; leet edition [6v6 Fun Team] Papercut
Joined 6 Brogues [6v6] Slliter
Left Intoxicated [6v6] knife crime
Joined Chive On [Highlander] Tornf4lk
Left 2 Chinks a couple of whites and black YK [Highlander] Papercut
Joined Intoxicated [6v6] knife crime
Left IDK - Cheers Byte [6v6] Pynklùùùnningen
Joined IDK - Cheers Byte [6v6] Pynklùùùnningen
Left Proton [6v6] Papercut
Joined Proton [6v6] v1ruuz
Left Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Papercut
Joined 2 Chinks a couple of whites and black YK [Highlander] Sambearg
Joined Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Left failtrain [6v6] Papercut
Joined RTA; leet edition [6v6 Fun Team] vani
Left Team Head Kick [Highlander] Papercut
Joined failtrain [6v6] Pynklùùùnningen
Joined Team Head Kick [Highlander] Papercut
Left Cryoemia [Highlander] Papercut
Left The Greater Good [6v6] Turbo
Joined The Greater Good [6v6] Charizard
Left ExtremeKill [6v6] Papercut
Joined ExtremeKill [6v6] Papercut
Joined Cryoemia [Highlander] Papercut

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  1. SWiFT: MAYOGURL - Poo said:

    bad, lol jk good solly with sick doubles.

  2. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    good at tf2, bad at being asian. trial him <3

  3. Buttnose said:

    lots of binds

  4. Ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    Doesn’t want me to post here.

  5. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    papercut is a cool guy, he is pretty keen and fun to have around in mumble,atleast for a moderate amount of time :P:P:P
    lots of <3!

  6. Toms said:

    Nice guy, div5 easy, could push div4.

  7. dougiie: CotC said:

    keen guy, knew what he was doing etc etc

    gl :)

  8. lolage: TSPAG said:

    he is sponsored by the best website ever

  9. dodgydogman: Panda said:

    You should like put him in your team as he happens to like pandas which is like a good sign or something ye blad init.

  10. dodgydogman: Panda said:

    You should like put him in your team as he happens to like pandas which is like a good sign or something ye blad init.

  11. northhhhhh said:

    lives near me irl so is alright by my standards

    good soldier/scout etc can easily handle div 5, has good comms. can’t say for div 4 as haven’t played with him in a while but still worth trying as he’s a boss

  12. eXtreaL said:

    Really nice guy, not screwing around. Take him (gently)

  13. Shifty said:

    nice guy got the talent, pick him up

  14. Hard: mau5. - >m2B! said:

    He’s like an annoying orange, but then fun.

  15. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Has yellow skin

  16. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    He actully likes my raps.

  17. Pinky: CotC said:

    Talks about sex with me, so i can vouch for div5 at least.

  18. Serpe said:

    nice guy with an awesome laugh<3

  19. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Spammed one particularly unfunny bind CONSTANTLY through a pcw last night. Was asked to stop and spammed it more. Conclusion: Bit of a cock.

  20. Topz said:

    called me a fag when I bodyshotted him :(

  21. Trane said:

    Papercut is a dude and a sound player, could be a bit more mature at times though.

  22. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    his trialled for every div 6 team, don’t take him, he’ll leave and get kicked after a week :D:D:D:D:D <3 papacunt

  23. Pinky: CotC said:

    papieren kut

  24. mrwhizz said:


  25. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    Papaercut sent me the link to say something nice about him, so uhhh, he’s got…nice…….ummm….aim?

  26. Slliter said:

    Speaks russian fluently can play good if pancakes included.

  27. Gobby! said:

    Likes to pull other mens Dixxxxx

  28. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    is asian

  29. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    is asian. honestly

    and he doesnt riot.

  30. Pakis: OST said:

    Jimmy’s the bets , he was unlucky with previous teams … hope some good team will pic you up soon.

  31. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    Getting spammed to leave a rec post comment, so i guess i’ll say something here.

    Ehh… I played 1 pickup with this guy and don’t really remember anything about it. That must mean it wasnt shit! :D

  32. lolage: TSPAG said:

    he beat me at turris :(

    3 times :(