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Demoman  Mid Skill, 6v6

Croatia njofra

Posted: | Last Online:

old post died

dc: njofraa

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1183471472 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Croatia [National Highlander Team] ETF2L Staff
Left taiga is stupid [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left shotgun was a mistake [2v2] ETF2L Staff
Left FN (FUCKNOOBZ) [4v4] ETF2L Staff
Joined FN (FUCKNOOBZ) [4v4] ethereal
Joined taiga is stupid [Highlander] ethereal
Left 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] njofra
Left dropem(FAKEONE) [6v6] njofra
Joined dropem(FAKEONE) [6v6] Akio
Left needmorefent.com [Highlander Fun Team] njofra
Left crack house [6v6] njofra
Joined 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] wavy
Joined crack house [6v6] ethereal
Left anita max wynn [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Joined anita max wynn [6v6] imectus
Left fentanyl fiends [6v6] ethereal
Left ChudsX3 [Highlander] Lebron James
Joined fentanyl fiends [6v6] ethereal
Joined Croatia [National Highlander Team] Buud
Joined needmorefent.com [Highlander Fun Team] ethereal
Joined ChudsX3 [Highlander] Lebron James
Left nextseason [Highlander] ethereal
Joined shotgun was a mistake [2v2] wavy
Joined nextseason [Highlander] ethereal
Left shotgun was a mistake [2v2] ETF2L Staff
Left nextseason [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Joined shotgun was a mistake [2v2] wavy
Left crack house [6v6] S0rce
Left me rn [2v2] njofra
Joined crack house [6v6] ethereal
Left the 1% [6v6] njofra
Left -CLOUDAIM- [6v6 Fun Team] njofra
Joined the 1% [6v6] Smellyiot
Joined nextseason [Highlander] ethereal
Left 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] njofra
Left Hold W Gaming [6v6] njofra
Joined 2 CAKED UP [Highlander] wavy
Left Bed Bug Gang [Highlander] mastr
Joined -CLOUDAIM- [6v6 Fun Team] Lebron James
Joined me rn [2v2] wavy
Joined Bed Bug Gang [Highlander] mastr
Left Hold W [Highlander] njofra
Joined Hold W [Highlander] Roos
Left B.K. [Highlander] mooncaller.
Joined Hold W Gaming [6v6] Roos
Joined B.K. [Highlander] mooncaller.
Left Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] SqnkaBG
Joined Slavic Legionnaries [Highlander] SqnkaBG

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View Low/Open 1 364


  1. Frager said:


  2. frbuz: CAKE said:

    شبح مدیترانه

  3. Pr1me: HV said:


  4. Pr1me: HV said:

    Fuck man

  5. Lebron James said:


  6. figerok: F6 said:


  7. Smellyiot: 2BU said:

    His Vertical Keep’s Improving

  8. Smellyiot: 2BU said:

    Medics Force On Sight

  9. Smellyiot: 2BU said:

    Respects His Elders

  10. mooncaller.: AVN said:

    His vertical can reach for the towers

  11. fatest said:

    top upcoming engi main

  12. wavy: nR - CAKE said:

    don pollo pipes

  13. ethereal said:

    najveći svih vremena

  14. dizp said:

    good player bbw lover

  15. S0rce said:


  16. Nettspend: SH - HV said:


  17. ethereal said:


    this is the guy calling njofra bad LOL

  18. Nady: F6 - TEMU said:


  19. cosmetical: MAGDONAL - GYM said:


  20. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    bad player dont pick him up he will go 0/30

  21. njofra said:

    this you ? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1174331054165868575/1180245975273570365/image.png?ex=65bd5238&is=65aadd38&hm=a6c25aa05c585dec5208cab7d9bda7aa9f4a6e8ca81053967a3344256eeb3a26&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=562&height=676

  22. Depruu said:

    ronnie ur open dont talk bro

  23. mooncaller.: AVN said:


  24. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    depruu team dies after 1 scrim, every team u joined rosterrired btw njofra u didnt even play u were a sub in a low team

  25. njofra said:

    who are you ?

  26. Depruu said:

    open player talking, noname kicked from dogshit mid team

  27. Depruu said:

    ronnie stay mad

  28. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    lol my team beat your team 5-0 depruu, maybe try to get a good team next time. also njofra didnt u lose to pgaa in mge bro i thought u were better

  29. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    getting called a noname by a latin hobo is crazy ngl

  30. njofra said:


  31. mooncaller.: AVN said:

    Going back the the mountains, it seems

  32. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    njofra what makes a banned player like you known

  33. Nettspend: SH - HV said:

    ronnie Njofra is better than you on every class

  34. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    thats why he lost mge to pgaa

  35. njofra said:

    who are you ??

  36. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    who are you why are u acting famous

  37. Slippy: TEMU said:

    sta se ovdje desava

  38. njofra said:

    nez neki open no name

  39. Slippy: TEMU said:

    a jbg staces

  40. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    lol open no name ja igram duze od tebe i jos me vise ljudi znaju
    doslovno si niko i nista i jebeno si smece sta si se umislia da si sad neko brate

  41. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    nema mid timova za autiste