ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


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ServerNone specified
IRCNone specified

nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason nextseason


  • None

Registered Players

No players registered


Upcoming Fixtures

Date Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No fixtures for this team.


Date Round Team 1 Team 2 Result
Highlander Winter 2024 [Archives]
Week 3 (Mid B) 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid B) 3 - 3
Week 1 (Mid B) 4 - 2
Highlander Autumn 2023 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Division 3) Default Win
Round 1 (Division 3) 0 - 6
Round 2 (Division 3) 6 - 0
Highlander Autumn 2023 [Archives]
Semi-Finals (Division 5A) 6 - 3
Week 4 (Division 5A) 4 - 2
Week 3 (Division 5A) 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 5A) 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 5A) 4 - 2


Date DL POV Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No demos for this team.

Team Name History

Date Old Name New Name
G2 Esports nextseason
Vegas Golden Knights G2 Esports
Chicago Bulls Vegas Golden Knights
8downies1fatest Chicago Bulls
thepack: edging since 2009 8downies1fatest
thepack thepack: edging since 2009
world trade center thepack
KING POOTIS world trade center
Fetus leftovers KING POOTIS

Player History

Action Player By Date
Left ethereal ethereal
Left andi ethereal
Left Sy ethereal
Left lew ethereal
Left saltyy ethereal
Left rally ethereal
Left wyser ethereal
Left fatest ethereal
Left njofra ethereal
Left /Retrodroid/ njofra
Left S0rce njofra
Left eth4n njofra
Left staec njofra
Left Funi njofra
Left WilliamWanderlust njofra
Left kul kul
Joined /Retrodroid/ ethereal
Joined njofra ethereal
Left Pr1me Pr1me
Left Nady Nady
Left siokol ethereal
Left NightFall ethereal
Joined wyser ethereal
Joined kul ethereal
Left cr. cr.
Joined rally ethereal
Left toco toco
Joined saltyy ethereal
Left njofra ETF2L Staff
Left Frager ETF2L Staff
Left nutbeans njofra
Left Rowny Gosc njofra
Joined lew ethereal
Joined Nady Frager
Left imectus njofra
Left shirtokiya njofra
Joined S0rce ethereal
Left figerok ethereal
Joined WilliamWanderlust ethereal
Joined toco ethereal
Left skrimus skrimus
Joined eth4n Frager
Left ekn ekn
Joined cr. Frager
Joined Sy ethereal
Left mooncaller. mooncaller.
Left eth4n eth4n
Left S0rce ethereal
Joined ekn Frager
Joined ethereal kilikia
Left Vibing Vibing
Joined mooncaller. njofra
Left ethereal ETF2L Staff
Joined Rowny Gosc ethereal
Left Smellyiot Smellyiot
Joined Smellyiot njofra
Joined Pr1me ethereal
Joined NightFall ethereal
Joined shirtokiya ethereal
Joined andi ethereal
Joined siokol ethereal
Joined eth4n ethereal
Left siokol siokol
Joined staec ethereal
Joined Frager ethereal
Left rally ethereal
Left Generic ethereal
Left Pepy ethereal
Left extwo ethereal
Left slug ethereal
Left Igor ethereal
Left Fried Chicken of Death Fried Chicken of Death
Joined slug ethereal
Joined Igor ethereal
Left toco toco
Joined extwo ethereal
Joined skrimus ethereal
Joined toco ethereal
Joined rally ethereal
Left Adam. Adam.
Left admiro. admiro.
Joined njofra ethereal
Joined Adam. ethereal
Left one ETF2L Staff
Left Nettspend Nettspend
Joined admiro. ethereal
Joined siokol ethereal
Joined Funi ethereal
Joined #TAXTHEPOOR ethereal
Left rally rally
Joined Pepy ethereal
Joined nutbeans ethereal
Joined Vibing ethereal
Left Vibing Vibing
Joined Nettspend ethereal
Joined Fried Chicken of Death ethereal
Joined rally ethereal
Joined one ethereal
Joined S0rce ethereal
Joined fatest ethereal
Joined Generic ethereal
Joined figerok ethereal
Joined imectus ethereal
Joined Vibing ethereal
Joined ethereal ethereal