ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Mein Poopenshaft

Posted by Mesprite: | Last Online:

Hey everyone, we're a newly created team looking to have fun but improve together over time. :)
We currently have a Medic and a Roaming Soldier.
I myself have a little bit of experience (Medic) and a friend of ours will be helping us out along the way so experience is not needed, we can get the experience together. :)

We are usually available to play between the hours of 5/6 PM until around 8 PM (GMT / English Time Zone).
We are also looking to spend around 4 or 5 days per week playing, practicing and having fun as a team. :)

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  1. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    Great bunch of guys that are fun to play with. They have the right atmosphere for any new players looking to get into the scene. I’ll be helping out as much as I can, and Mesprite is already an experienced player that can train any new player to a decent div 5/6 level. You won’t regret joining them :).

  2. kasabubu said:

    hey, i would like to play in your team as demo, and im sure i can deal with div6. my english is div6 :/ , but i promis ill do my best, to be the demo that you are looking for, no jk. 1 problem is my ping- in germen or england ill have 70-100 ping, but I wont be able to give my 100% in a further location(i already a germen server so i wont think This issue is resolved.


    so just add me and we will set up a trial?

    (btw, im 16 =3 )

  3. octochris: (0v0) said:


  4. XO - said:

    best name ever

  5. azmx986 said:

    Hello! I’m an American located in Tucson Arizona that would love to play with your team.

    I’m a scout and this will be my first time playing competitively. I have done research and understand the basics, but my good aim will have to be directed at first.

    Hit me back!


  6. Venusberg: #WW said:

    Hi, I’m a Swedish demoman with div 6 experience. I’ve been in a couple of other clans before but I haven’t played in about 8 months or something so I should be a bit rusty. Anyways your clan seems interesting considering my break from TF2. Hopefully I can bring something to the clan with my previous experience. Hit me up on my steamcommunity page for a trial http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/80sRuffian

  7. Venusberg: #WW said:

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/80sRuffian is the right steamid