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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Infected With Skill

Posted by iamzhevor: | Last Online:

I really want to build this 6v6 team, we are looking for european / italian players.
We're going to do at least a scrim for week.
Looking for subs / Main players for all the classes

Nessesary for joining:
* Have experience playing TF2 and having motivation to get better and improve your overall understanding of the game and your own skill.
* Speak Italian or English and have microphone.
* Must live in Europe.

Rules: (failure to follow these rules may lead to you being kicked out of the group)
* You can't take someone elses role if their name and role is listed above, under "Team members" although we will eventually recruit reserves for some of the roles.
* Members in this group must be nice to other members. You can't say bad things about a members or be rude at all.
* Don't harass other members mistakes in-game because it will lead to more mistakes and will also make playing stressful. Simple nicely said advice is fine.

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  1. TryHard: BV said:

    i could come scout. I main pyro in highlander. Add me to discuss

  2. Milan: exo. - MEG! said:

    My name is Ares, and i am a Demo
    I would like to join your team.
    Please contact me through steam or send me an email to [email protected]

  3. Taajk: Never back said:

    i can play scout for 6v6 im also strong at sniper, spy and medic. 100h on scout in tf2

  4. Green Guy said:

    Hello, I’m maining scout, I haven’t played highlander or 6v6 ,but I really am practicing alot , playing tf2 every day making good frags and i really want a tryout.

  5. I Am The Dude said:

    You guys looking for a pocket solly?

  6. Sollvy said:

    I can go Pocket Soldier,Heavy

    Add me on steam if you want to discuss would be nice.

  7. hueheu: MT said:

    I can go as scout and off class pyro if needed, add me to discuss http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/nyyrgh

  8. Fawk said:

    I can go as scout, if you’re in need of one. I’ve played spy in competitive before and i really wanted to come back. I’m also friendly.

  9. freakbob said:

    Hi! I come from denmark, but i can speak english.
    I was looking to join a team to play in and this one seems nice.
    I can play scout, medic (im not good for calls) and soldier (i need to practice soldier)
    I have been playing around 10 lobby matches so i know the competitive format.
    been playing around 1700 hours.

  10. Bondskanselier said:

    Medic. 60 lobbies played. Ill join you in THE end of This season.
    Will Maincall if needed

  11. taube: BWB said:

    Hi, i come from Slovenia and i could roamer if there is still a spot open.

    I have around 2300+ hours in tf2 (3000 if you count my other acc.) and 400 of that is played as a soldier. Add me if you would like some more information.

  12. Jackie said:


    I live in Israel
    I want to play main scout / roamer (I can do sub too if needed)
    Over 100 lobbies on tf2lobby and 15 on tf2center.
    I run TF2 on a laptop but I have over 100 fps.
    Add me if interested:

  13. Daniel. said:


    I´m portuguese and I´m a good medic

  14. SwaMp: ? - Dr. med. said:

    i could be medic

  15. Zdoom said:

    Have 300 hours on soldier, can roamer. No competitive experience but very interested.

  16. lady in pink said:

    i could go scout offclass pyro and sniper add me if interessted

  17. AJRx said:

    scout / good sniper :)

  18. THE_WILLY said:

    Ciao, vorrei provare se ancora possibile :) Scout/Demo

  19. Dominus said:

    Hey i would like to join your team,i am a good scout