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ScoutSoldier  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

Estonia Henn Rebane

Posted: | Last Online:

Pocket for mid. Scout for open.
Looking for a keen team who needs one of the above mentioned classes. I feel I have enough experience for mid and enough skill to play scout, even though it is not my main.
If you're sold by the text then please add me.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59369545 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] TheNewbie
Joined Randavad Raimed [6v6] Pepis
Left EESTI PREM [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined EESTI PREM [6v6] sheff
Left ShadowDozers [6v6] CoolDoyle
Joined ShadowDozers [6v6] CoolDoyle
Left north korean space program [6v6] sicko
Joined north korean space program [6v6] Shpeeisme
Left idk [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined idk [6v6] zaid
Left Apologetic Arseholes [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined Estonia [National Highlander Team] sheff
Joined Apologetic Arseholes [6v6] Apolo
Left Wedding planners [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined Wedding planners [6v6] Shpeeisme

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 9 369
View Mid 15 585
View Open/Mid 3 381
View Open/Mid 0 268


  1. DereK: tbag said:

    good pocket

  2. Henn Rebane: RANMED said:


  3. chando said:

    good pocket, mid capable and generally a really nice and chill guy

  4. Henn Rebane: RANMED said:

    would like to bump again

  5. Henn Rebane: RANMED said:

    East coast rippin’, and ruffin’ and bumpin’. New York north, take it back to compton.

  6. Frozy said:

    good pocket

  7. stepanex said:

    Good pocket, love him

  8. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    very solid soldier and funny guy, would be good in mid