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Soldier  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

Estonia Henn Rebane

Posted: | Last Online:

I am an active gamer looking for a team that scrims often and has high goals. I have 200 hours on soldier and I am looking to play pocket in the oncoming season.
I subbed pocket for a short period and managed to play an official and a few scrims.
I am not a rager and take criticism well. I am always looking for ways to improve myself. I listen to calls and try to act accordingly to them. I never blame anyone for their or my mistakes. In short, I'm quite a nice guy.
If i sold you with that text add me on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59369545 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] TheNewbie
Joined Randavad Raimed [6v6] Pepis
Left EESTI PREM [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined EESTI PREM [6v6] sheff
Left ShadowDozers [6v6] CoolDoyle
Joined ShadowDozers [6v6] CoolDoyle
Left north korean space program [6v6] sicko
Joined north korean space program [6v6] Shpeeisme
Left idk [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined idk [6v6] zaid
Left Apologetic Arseholes [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined Estonia [National Highlander Team] sheff
Joined Apologetic Arseholes [6v6] Apolo
Left Wedding planners [6v6] Henn Rebane
Joined Wedding planners [6v6] Shpeeisme

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 9 368
View Open/Mid 8 465
View Mid 15 584
View Open/Mid 0 267


  1. sheff: [DA] said:

    Can’t say much about his skill, but as a person he is very polite, friendly and relaxed guy to play with. Good luck!

  2. op said:

    Bump. Very keen and active player. The higher end of open or low mid should pick this guy up. With a little time he can do wonders.

  3. Henn Rebane: RANMED said:

    bump. Still looking