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ScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Kazakhstan GibbZ

Posted: | Last Online:

Can backup some nights a week…

– After 19.30 cet on monday wednesday
– All day sunday
– Can't do thursday, tuesday.
– Alright scout, but my solly is all aim no brain (easy class tho amirite?)
– Potential to have more available time in next couple of months.
– LANable

CVs and Resumes available on request with my most notable achievements including, but not limited to:
– Destroying doublemixes
– Beating koeitje over 10 times in mge
– Making Demsi ragequit an official
– Keeping Marks ego under control

p.s. sraams the best, lime sux.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:3844883 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Kazakhstan [National 6v6 Team] Kumis
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left Aegyo' [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Aegyo' [6v6] Mark
Left Karnage eSports [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Karnage eSports [6v6] Mark
Left Mini and The Derp a Herp [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Mini and The Derp a Herp [6v6] GibbZ
Left Team eMpathy [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Team eMpathy [6v6] kaidus
Left Team eMpathy [6v6] Memento Mori
Joined Team eMpathy [6v6] kaidus
Left Team eMpathy [6v6] GibbZ
Joined bball and shit [2v2] GibbZ
Joined WHAT UP NOW SWEDES?! [Highlander] Dny
Joined AHURHURHURHUR [6v6 Fun Team] JC
Joined Team eMpathy [6v6] GibbZ
Left special7 [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Kazakhstan [National 6v6 Team] yellowfellow
Left M 'n M's [2v2] yellowfellow
Joined M 'n M's [2v2] yellowfellow
Joined TEAM GIBBZ [1v1] GibbZ
Joined special7 [6v6] Beevster
Left Special.Zero.Squad [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Special.Zero.Squad [6v6] killertje
Left Special.Zero.Squad [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Special.Zero.Squad [6v6] killertje
Left Uberium [6v6] GibbZ
Joined Uberium [6v6] Nozz
Left The Sproggalots [6v6] GibbZ
Joined The Sproggalots [6v6] GibbZ

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem/Div 1 37 1685
View Prem/Div 1 13 948
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View High- 9 965
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View Mid+ 1 225


  1. blind: popkõrns said:

    george? the games dead

  2. Vladi: TIDS said:

    arrogant and funny guy, notably good scout.

  3. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:


  4. Tarkus: aHn said:

    piece of shit

  5. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    One of the biggest niggas I ever knew.

    But damn I love him.

  6. r7an: -9w- said:

    my hero

  7. Hat said:

    claims to be good at video games

    quite simply, hes a liar

  8. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:


  9. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:


  10. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:


  11. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:


  12. demsii: EPA said:

    You made me ragequit from an official? .. right.

    Pretty sad you have to mention my name in the hopes you get more attention, guess being a washed up player does that to you. Div2, uh-huh.. haha :D .. gl buddy.

  13. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    You tell him.

  14. demsii: EPA said:

    Hell yeah, I go girl.

  15. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:


    I mean look Demsii. It’s cool bro… If I was 3-0 up with 10 minutes left, and threw that away… I’d probably ragequit too. Damn proof hurts don’t it?

    Mention your name to gain attention? The only thing you’re known for around here you greasy nergin, is for your disgusting attempts at hooking in gamer girls by buying them games. I mean what kind of revolting nerd are you? You’re so fat, greasy, and lacking of social skills that you attempt to buy women (I know you aim for the russian ones) with GAMES.

    Seriously son, lay off those high caffeinated drinks, because they obviously makin’ you pretty mad. Also just because you spend every fleeting minute of your life on the internet doesn’t mean you have to take it so seriously.

  16. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:

    ^Ouch in da face demsi

  17. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:


  18. demsii: EPA said:

    Ooooh, someone is mad :( baited.

    It’s pretty amusing how you are so misinformed. I’m not sure what part is more sad, that you remember a game from 4 years ago or that you actually mention something you have no clue about once again. But seeing my memory is pretty decent I do remember swapping out yes, doesn’t mean I “ragequit” seeing I finished the map, but probably means I have something better to do ;) (and you’re calling me a nerd, lol).

    And yes, I’m very into russian girls. I’ve been visiting import-bride.ru, but buying them games seemed easier (even though I’ve never bought any russian girl a game I’m afraid).

    But yes, you seem like a lovely chap worth recruiting, especially after your butthurt outburst just now. I suggest smoking some weed or getting a girlfriend (I heard you can buy them on steam).

    Best of luck girlfriend, tata xoxo

  19. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    What’s wrong with having a good memory? Maybe it’s my lack of smoking this “weed” you speak of that gives me such amazing cognitive skills.

    Swapping out? You lost the map and disappeared, with your team not knowing of your presence. Either you are a god awful clan leader or you’re just a sad mad bad. And by finishing the map… We won with like 20 seconds left. That’s why I remember it demsii; I’ve never seen such a turnaround; down to the last few seconds.

    Also, I like how you make a joke out of the girl thing. Let’s just leave it like that ehh? I mean I don’t want to be TOO harsh.

    Yeah I love how I got baited, because you got baited by taking some obvious drivel (written as a joke – with a tone of seriousness) seriously. I mean, you took a joke statement (On the internet may add) to heart and had to reply in a malicious way, and then you tell me that I’m a “lovely chap”. I mean come on here… It’s like either this is a quadruple whammy counter troll, or I’m just losing the plot. Maybe trolling has advanced to levels further then I could comprehend.

    No Demsii, you sir, you are a lovely chap, and any russian gamer girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend!

    p.s. you’re really shit at this; you should get in hys, he’s a real man!

  20. demsii: EPA said:

    Really? I don’t seem to have a problem remember that I had to go to a birthday if you really want to know. But seeing you were in mumble with us and also know me personally I’m sure you remember it better than me. That’s fine dear.

    Sure, be as harsh as you like, it’s pretty amusing to me. I wish Misa was online so I could buy her some games. Things sometimes got pretty hot in mumble, if you know what I mean *wink wink*.

    The rest doesn’t seem to have a real point, were you stringing words together hoping they would make sense?

    I know, they should like invent import-gamergirl.ru, it would suit my needs better.

    gl with your recruitment my little lemondrop xoxo.

  21. demsii: EPA said:


  22. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    What would Misa prove? I doubt you bought her any games. There are other fish in the sea though. Although it seems weird how you played with a lagging medic?

    Still making a joke out of it? Hmmff….

    Aight in a bit bro. DayZ back up xoxox

  23. Jorman: EPA said:

    That was my first official for px! Loved that. Thanks for bringing it up!

  24. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    Hah, I just remember Winneh getting super mad because of you guys using cook :D

    2nd map was fun as well because I got to snipe 1v2 vs rake and fanva. Back when the game was still fresh and fun. Good times.

  25. Hat said:

    george dropping bombs

  26. n00ne said:

    is it too late to go get some popcorn, or are you guys going to continue?

  27. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:

    gibbz winning by far.

  28. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    I’d recommend demsi to go cry to the admins once again to delete gibbz’s comments and claim himself the winner of “yet another internet argument”.

    P.S: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJTBPdVpdMc

  29. Jorman: EPA said:

    Bulgarians, why are you here? O_O Our match is already over…

  30. fle. said:

    george is the best in game or out game. hes really funny in every serious situations too if you cant get over these so dont talk about , dont be so retard or cocky.

  31. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    – Beating koeitje over 10 times in mge

    I have no recollection of this.

    But I do not care, you got on Demsii’s dick so I’ll let this slip for once.

  32. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    The irony of demsi calling “baited” when he was the one baited into this recruitment thread by one jokey comment.

    Atleast Gibbz was good at the game at one point, soz demourge :(

  33. demsii: EPA said:

    I guess I forgot the lube.

  34. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  35. Hat said:


  36. nTraum: \V/ Gold - LAME said:

    It was entertaining, thanks to both of you.