ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European MAYHEM 6v6

Posted by Banana Joe: | Last Online:

join us, DAAAAAAWG!!!!

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View Div 4/Div 5 0 102
View Div 6 4 716
View Div 5/Div 6 8 886
View Div 6 8 591


  1. Louis de Broglie said:

    Would love to be your demo

  2. h3x Man-at-arms: LIT said:

    Pocket sub or main?

  3. Tearmisu said:

    Nice lads; could play Div 5 with a small push.

  4. Thunv said:

    I can be your roamer sub.

  5. Weaked: -GA- said:

    Hey, I can play scout for you. add me

  6. Omrimg2: ¿que? said:

    Hello, I can be your sub roamer! :)

  7. zionnex said:

    i can play scout . add me on steam

  8. Hetzer said:

    I would also like to be your sub roamer.

  9. Liikt said:

    I can be Roamer or Scout. If you need it add me ^^

  10. Kenath said:

    I can play Scout, Add me if you’re intrested :D

  11. Elementuhm said:

    Hey, I’m “Marc” from germany.

    I’d like to be the medic in your 6vs6 team.
    I’m using the Accurator to heel, but I have other medi-guns too.

    I hope I can be your medic.(Just give me a try^^)


    (PS: http://steamcommunity.com/account/invander1/)

  12. Cazamon said:

    I can play either scout or solder (roamer or pocket) on your team though I would prefer to play scout. If you’re interested then add me and we can talk :3

  13. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    I could play both scout and medic, i have around 2,300 hours on this account and around 100 on my other one, i already have quite a bit of experience on 6s with previous teams. My main is Spy so i can offclass on scout efficiently (when needed of course :D).
    Hit me up for a quick talk :D

  14. PascalOwO: McV said:

    Hi i could join as a pocket or a roamer xD hit me up

  15. TheDeltaWizard said:

    I may scout but also side sniper
    Got 1800+ hours on TF2
    210+ hours on scout
    180+ hours on sniper
    Have been playing for 3 years
    Know pretty much all scout strategies know to man :)

    Add me if I suffice :D

  16. Ninjachompah132 said:

    Hi i can play soldier for your highlander team i am a mix of both pocket and roamer but i can play one or the other

    I Have 750+ hours in tf2

    Add me if you think i am up to your standards :)

  17. EpicDanny: [N*C*F] said:

    I’m a main scout and would love it if I could be part of your team! If the scout spot is filled, I would be willing to be a sub. I play lots of MGE and pubs. I really need the experience of highlander and be greatful if you let me join your team, whether as a player or sub!

    I am a team player/team scout, but can also go solo.
    I know a bunch if strats

    I would love it if you considered me as part of your team.

    Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HOTDOG_/

  18. alphiee: M.inc said:

    Heyoh, firstly my name’s alphiee and I’m main scout. I’m looking to become a scout sub (and so far really only subbing cause I can’t promise to be there always because of school and real life.) I’ve played 3 seasons so far, mostly scout (or pocket, which I didn’t enjoy because too passive :/), 1 in d6 and 2 in d5.
    I’ve got 2.5k-ish hrs on tf2 and am playing comp for good 1 1/2 – 2 yrs now.
    My English is quite well, I got mumble/ts3 etc., I’m a first rather shy but honest and calm person.
    I’m 17 yrs old and a quite ambitious player, but like mentioned before I also got school going.
    I like to practise and improve, but I just need a team that gives me a real point in getting better.

    If you’d be interested, just add me and we could make a trial or something. :)

  19. Zer0 said:

    First off my name is actually HiiL and i am looking to be a Scout or adleast sub for it.
    I am playing scout a lot and i am playing TF2 center as much as i can. I spend 3/4 of my time playing Scout on TF2 center or as a sub on difrent div’s. Such ass: div 3, div,4 and div 6.
    I have alredy played in a highlander team and the guy who wanted me to be their scout (Pretty Prices Pyro), went scout himself and told me this: “I like scout, so GTFO… P.s. Dont care that you beat anybody…”. So thats how i fell out of the team and now looking for a 6s.

  20. WubY: SGrill - PHN said:

    I’d love to sub as scout, i do have some experience on 6s with the one team i were on.