ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European MAYHEM 6v6

Posted by Banana Joe: | Last Online:

Looking for subs. We are funny and skilled. What more is there to say?! :D

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View Div 4/Div 5 0 101
View Div 4/Div 5 20 1126
View Div 6 4 714
View Div 6 8 590


  1. ONlock: YOYO\' said:

    I’m a scout with div 2-3 and Norwegian national team experience. Can offclass if needed. Can play 2 – 3 times a week. 25 yrs old. Add me if there’s any interest.

  2. pyroxx7 said:

    I would be able to play scout add me ^^ to talk about it

  3. Bondskanselier said:

    Can play medic and do shitty maincalling hit me up.

  4. Elgo_ said:

    I could play soldier just add me :3 I main soldier and have over 150h and over 1700h general

  5. Azgahall said:

    Im capabel ( I think ) of playing the: Medic>Scout>Pyro>Heavy>Soldier (Im not capabel of solid Airshots). My Playtime is ca.280h (says Steam) and I think this will be the last season (maybe next allso) where I would have the time to play 5h a day and more.


  6. or asher: sv_ 1 said:

    Hey, i am looking to play roamer/scout, and i can only play on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, is it okey?

  7. Tudor Alexandru said:

    Hi there, I can play soldier, engineer, or sniper. I have over 1200 hours in game and I’m new in this competition. I speak pretty good English and I am from Romania.

  8. Swipe said:

    Hey, i could play as roamer soldier if needed. have soldier 230 hours+ and ingme 1600+
    add me if you are interested and we could talk about it ;)