ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European MAYHEM 6v6

Posted by Banana Joe: | Last Online:

Yo, folks !

Are you one of these guys who think that fun and skill are not incompatible?!
If so, then don’t hesitate to contact us!
By the way…we are the only team where you can get a title, just by joining!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. BJ

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View Div 5/Div 6 8 885


  1. GreenCow: Bn\' said:


    I’m pretty new to the competitive side of TF2 but i’ve been playing Tf2 Lobby and Tf2 Center for a bit now and I would love to join your team as a scout.
    I’m easy going, I can get on mumble and play around 6-10pm GMT+1 everyday.

  2. afrouuh: tGa said:


    I don’t know if I’m too much of a pub scrub but I would like to join your team. I’d like to play soldier, but I can also sub if I’m not good enough for you :>
    Sadly, I don’t have much comp experience. I have played a few lobbies + tf2centers but only highlander. I was in UGC but the team I was in rage quit.
    That being said my only 6v6 knowledge/experience comes from watching streams and shoutcasts.

    I am always willing to improve and gain some experience. I’m thinking of switching over from hl to 6v6 because I hate payload and love 5cp haha

    If you are interested please contact me in steam. I’m online usually from 17.00 GMT+2 onwards.

  3. Jimmie_Rustler said:

    Hi, I’m still new to comp TF2, (I’ve played abit of tf2center and lobby) but I’d like to play for your team as a demo. I’m free most days from 7-12pm GMT.
    Add me if you’re interested.

  4. prsTi. said:

    Hi, I am new to the competitive scene and would like to play scout, if possible. Played some lobbies as scout but still need practice. If interested, simply add me

  5. Jackie said:


    I’m quite new to this hole competitive TF2 thing, but I have over 2000 hrs in tf2 and I’m playing it for almost 3 years now.
    I want to play as a scout for you – I played a lot of lobbies and I got some experience now ;)
    Please talk to me !

  6. Shiwel: ffs said:

    Hey, im keen to join your team – i’d like to try out for roaming soldier. I’ve played a bit of competitive before (1 season in highlander, some 6′s PUGs and doublemixes), but im keen to learn and improve. Im from Scotland, so if you can get understand the accent it’ll be fine ;D (It’s not that strong). I have just under 900 hours on TF2 at the moment, but i would like to be trialed as i think im not too bad :D

  7. Temrane: cooking - Atria said:

    Hey, I’d like to join your team!

    I’d like to join as a Soli (Don’t mind which, I’d probably be better with pocket though) and I have experience with Highlander as Pyro and I have also played a small bit of Solider. I have just over 1000 hours on TF2 and wouldn’t mind trialing if possible, thanks!

  8. Joel Eriksson said:

    Hi I’d love to join the team!

    I’d love to play soldier or demo. I have just over 1090 hours of Tf2 but have never played comp.
    I’d love to have a chat with a owner of the team or a tryout but that’s ofcourse your choice.
    I’m a Swedish guy but my English is good.

    Thanks for your time, i really appreciate it :)

    Here’s the link to my profile if you want to check things out or talkt to me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050953597/