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MedicSoldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Dendocror

Posted: | Last Online:

Decided to look for a team again.
Gonna make it quick and simple. No new teams, unless LOTS of potential + screenshots.
If soldier main role is pocket, will main call as either if you want me to.
Available everyday of the week because summer, will let you know if i can't.
Thanks. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:73337909 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Indeed REMNANT [6v6] konr
Left Team Team The Dream [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Team Team The Dream [6v6] Techspekje
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] fawwles
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] kermit
Left wookiez [6v6] mhwk
Joined wookiez [6v6] screwb
Left 20$yl Remix [6v6] Dendocror
Joined 20$yl Remix [6v6] Tuto
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Fat Cats [LAN Team] Konna
Left RIP Karnage eSports [LAN Team] Dendocror
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] sheepy dog's hand
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Ghent
Left 9 Whales [6v6] Dendocror
Joined RIP Karnage eSports [LAN Team] Dendocror
Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Dendocror
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] Dendocror
Joined 9 Whales [6v6] Dendocror
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Get This Fun [6v6 Fun Team] Dendocror
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Left Fierce! [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Fierce! [6v6] Dendocror
Left SixSense [6v6] Dendocror
Joined SixSense [6v6] Dendocror
Left yaay [6v6] Dendocror
Joined yaay [6v6] Dendocror
Left Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] Dendocror
Left SHOWER BULLIES [2v2] Jakle
Joined SHOWER BULLIES [2v2] Jakle
Joined Team Vertex - RIP Youngblood [6v6] d2m
Left Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Buffalo Bill
Left Easy Going [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Easy Going [6v6] Dendocror
Left Stochastic-Gaming [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Stochastic-Gaming [6v6] Dekken
Left Aerosol eSports Club [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Aerosol eSports Club [6v6] Indxyou
Left -- [6v6] Indxyou
Joined -- [6v6] Dendocror
Left Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Joined TEAMoeTEI [Highlander] Dendocror
Left UK's finest [Highlander] Dendocror
Joined Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Left Snus [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Snus [6v6] Dendocror
Left Insane Dutch Killers ² [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Insane Dutch Killers ² [6v6] DIEHARDD
Left In the kitchen? [6v6] Dendocror
Joined In the kitchen? [6v6] Dendocror
Left Hivemind [6v6] grimbar
Joined UK's finest [Highlander] syX
Joined Hivemind [6v6] grimbar
Left .22 [6v6] James Lame
Joined .22 [6v6] James Lame
Left Northern Dawn Heroes [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Northern Dawn Heroes [6v6] Dendocror

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 6 657
View Div 2 20 1044
View Div 1/Div 2 9 802
View Div 2 14 757
View Div 2 10 862
View Mid 16 796
View Mid- 6 488
View Mid- 2 275
View Low+ 4 411


  1. mrwhizz said:

    Thumbs up if you’re here because Dendo linked you his recruitment post!

  2. Mike: TEZC said:

    an anime nerd, naturally good at tf2

  3. Dummy! said:

    ive won against him on airmod once
    when he was afk
    shh dont tell him

  4. fallen said:


  5. jgmaster: BM said:

    Gave me a nice comment so I’m returning the favour. Really good at shooting people out of the sky :3

  6. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    Only played with him as medic, but great guy and really knew his stuff. good luck :-)

  7. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    never saw him as soldier, really enjoyed playing with him as medic.
    a really nice guy too! <3
    good luck

  8. kos: ft. - bobs said:

    Eventually attained a decent level of pocket soldier after being shouted at for a while, so criticism isn’t really an issue for Dendo I guess and he is eager to improve from what I can remember.

    Haven’t played med with him since we searched low– and I played demo so I can’t really comment on that but I’ve heard good things.

  9. grimbar said:

    The only decent pocket there is.

  10. Dummy! said:

    shame he never had a good medic grim 8)
    I kid

  11. Ceder said:

    Dendo! He’s a good player :) Fun to play whit :)

  12. mortiii: vertex » said:

    One of my most favorite medics to play with :) He’s really good at both medic and soldier. :)

    Pick him up fast !

    GL dendo <3

  13. poxie said:

    this is a bump

  14. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    Bumpppppp :3

  15. m0nster said:

    Pretty chill soldier. I haven’t seen him medic, but it’s probably equally smooth. Kind of like a perfect banana smoothie. Super delicious.

  16. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    When he was my pocket I could always trust on his abilities. Bit prone to rage and loses dedication quickly tho, from my experience. If he works past that (maybe he already has?) and gets warmed up again he can definitely be a solid d2 sol.

  17. Dummy! said:

    he has skeej, does not rage now and is dedicated
    although he did have some moments of ‘cba’ it wasnt ever in-game, only occasionally about stuff outside of the game

  18. Nmx: ᴷᵈ said:

    This post is made with the intention of bumbing.


  19. Trane said:

    I think you may have meant ‘bumping’ there, squire.

  20. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    BUMp. ;)

  21. Jakle said:

    This guy has good music taste and should be recruited on that alone.

  22. Dummy! said:

    he likes chobits though, suspicious character

  23. Genmix: bobs said:

    Very intelligent player, deserves a good team

  24. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:


  25. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻: Team said:

    massive fag

  26. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻: Team said:

    being serious though, great caller cant comment on his soldier but his medicing is solid.

  27. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    bump :)

  28. blorgalicious said:

    Back when we played (months ago), he was a solid div1 solly and medic. Take the div2 out of your rec post, mitch. He needs to join a team that won’t limit his potential (see: EG).

    Wanna scrap, lad?<3

  29. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    your belly button = fucking hench mate. <3 also, bump :D

  30. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:


  31. blorgalicious said:
