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MedicSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Dendocror

Posted: | Last Online:

Right, fo' serious recruitment post here.

After careful consideration, i decided to look for a team again after my long absence. I'm not out of practice though, so don't let that put you off.
Would like a div2 team as medic with a defined pocket who is willing to BE MY BITCH. <3 :D
If not that, will trial as soldier for div3.
I'm available most days of the week except Mondays, i will notify you if i cannot play other days.
Thanks. :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:73337909 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Indeed REMNANT [6v6] konr
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Joined Team Team The Dream [6v6] Techspekje
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Joined Auto Anime [6v6] fawwles
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] kermit
Left wookiez [6v6] mhwk
Joined wookiez [6v6] screwb
Left 20$yl Remix [6v6] Dendocror
Joined 20$yl Remix [6v6] Tuto
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Dendocror
Joined Fat Cats [LAN Team] Konna
Left RIP Karnage eSports [LAN Team] Dendocror
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] sheepy dog's hand
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] Ghent
Left 9 Whales [6v6] Dendocror
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Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Dendocror
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Joined 9 Whales [6v6] Dendocror
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Joined SHOWER BULLIES [2v2] Jakle
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Joined Rock 'n Roll makes us horny [6v6] Buffalo Bill
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Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Buffalo Bill
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Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2/Div 3 6 657
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View Mid 16 795
View Mid- 6 488
View Mid- 2 274
View Low+ 4 410


  1. aveN said:

    sick medic good comms, knowledge of the game, etc etc gl <3

  2. mrwhizz said:

    Orgasmic medic, get him before someone els does!


  3. Ghent.: Team said:

    Only coming back to comp because hes shit@pub.
    <3 playing with him, one of my favourite medics to play with wont dissapoint

  4. Frix: LG said:

    going way back with him in NDH clan. Awesome medic and comms, good luck


  5. Tobyy: TEZC - Pixie <3 said:

    Breaks his configs all the time, <3 him though! gl denduu

  6. Mike: TEZC said:

    faked a suicide!

  7. tay said:

    although his a cunt, his my cunt
    but he is actually pretty good n stuff
    if u dont pick him up ill have to shank u fam

  8. kos: ft. - bobs said:

    Medic > Soldier

    Keen. Haven’t played with him as medic since we searched for low– and I played demo, but he was good then. Will listen to his medic as soldier and stick to him like a bitch.

  9. fallen said:

    how did i not reconize your sexy voice :(

  10. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    i was so disappointface fallen. D:

  11. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    great medic and not to be underestimated as soldier… stay dedicated this time, and go huge, dendo!

  12. hal: blah said:

    was on my friends list, but then I discoverd he never really loved me

  13. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    i played with him on a pub once

    true story

  14. HaKo: Poo - Poo said:

    fucking love ndh