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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

International neXt

Posted by Atkins: | Last Online:

We are looking for English speaking players so the rest of this recruitment post will be written in English.

If we cant find a decent scout our medic atm (mrg) is a decent keen scout and would almost instantly get the spot as scout. This means you have a pretty high standard to make as medic, if you main call that would be awesome if not i will, however there will be a higher chance you will get in you call! all the stuff below is worth a read but imagine i wrote this for a medic :D

about us
-in s10 we will be div4 (which we will most defently win i fucking hope :P)
-we are playing div3 and *eventually* 2 games on irc/scheduled team vs team games
-soo k33n
-we dont play saturday or friday and mondays i think and late starts wednesday
-normally start around 7GMT or 8 CET end when people get tiered of winning.
-we have an awesome community whithin DAKKA playing double mixes and games vs the many other dakka teams (3 all together lol)
-friendly bunch of people

what we want from you
-main call! (pretty important)
-commitment (be on if we need you too)
-confident (tell us if you feel somthing is wrong or you feel like you aren't being listened too)

if i don't accept you on friends dont add other team mates (and dont be offended please)

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  1. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/95409/
    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: i left the team
    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: :(
    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: were gonna fold
    DAKKA lolage!: what
    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/95409/
    DAKKA TURb0 #tf2.Norwich: post somthing nice
    DAKKA lolage!: fucking troll
    DAKKA lolage!: i hate you

  2. atomic said:

    good team, that deserves talanted scout, gl lads :)

  3. lolage: TSPAG said:

    turbos the biggest troll in tf2, bad team, dont join them.

  4. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:


  5. poison said:

    choooooz me

  6. lolage: TSPAG said:


    Looks like a good pick, nice guy too.

  7. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    div4/5 sorry lolage what unusual have you got btw?

  8. -HaviT-: -=Crazy=- said:

    good team, need a scout that wont realise he wont have time after just joining their team :P

  9. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    still looking

  10. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    they have Coco, and so therefore are amazing! join!

  11. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    Coco is over-rated

  12. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    I heard that Coco guy is pretty good actually!

  13. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    only looking for medics now¬!

  14. rac: LG said:

    If I didnt have a clan id definatly ask for a trial :D nice bunch of guys

    gl finding a med:)

  15. Dummy! said:

    coco low- gamer c: