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Scout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Scotland Coolbeans

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm looking for a team as a main scout for season 20 in division 4. My team came second last season in division 5 and unfortunately things don't seem to be working out. I'm a really nice, friendly guy with lots of enthusiasm for the game and can play around 3-4 times a week as long as I'm free.

I can play any kind of scout you'd like me to and I have a pretty good standard of DM and gamesense as my old team have scrimmed many div 4 teams (and won) and I mix quite a lot with division 4 players. I can also play sniper do around a d4/5 HL level if you are in need of some offclasses. I'd preferably like a team that is still together however if you are a new team then I have no problems trialling for you. If you'd like to give me a shot then just send me a friend request.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:74858077 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] row
Left The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Tamir
Joined The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Tom
Left 5-0 Blessings [6v6] Coolbeans
Joined Team Colonslash: MAYHEM [LAN Team] Coolbeans
Left MAYHEM [LAN Team] Coolbeans
Joined 5-0 Blessings [6v6] chando
Left Peep Peep Motherfuckers [6v6] Coolbeans
Joined MAYHEM [LAN Team] Coolbeans
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] kermit
Joined Peep Peep Motherfuckers [6v6] Lux
Left Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] birdy
Joined Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] birdy
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Coolbeans
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Lux
Left FAHK Incorporated [Highlander] Coolbeans
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Banana Joe
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Banana Joe
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Banana Joe
Left Fat Kids Are Hard To Kidnap [6v6] Coolbeans
Joined Ermehgerd HLO [6v6 Fun Team] Lux
Joined FAHK Incorporated [Highlander] Coolbeans
Joined Fat Kids Are Hard To Kidnap [6v6] O'Learry?

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 6 317
View Div 5 13 436


  1. squirrel_BVC: doggo - [DA] said:

    Solid dm and good game sense. Could easily play div 4, also a great guy, always reliable and can shoot people in the head some times.

  2. mynkya said:

    Coolbeans is a top lad, currently playing the Australian long range head shot collector for our Highlander team and does a mighty fine job. Hire for your team or miss out on some crackin’ banter coupled with commitment and skill. ( he’s got the word cool in his name come on guys xox )

    I’d have him on my team, if I made a team.


  3. tavi: hoes said:

    seems nice

  4. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    MEAT SHOT cannon literally does the work of two scouts, can play spy and sniper for them urgent picks.
    loves rcon
    calm collected and is the best secretary eu
    (future med student)

  5. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    my favourite carry

  6. Callum: NASA said:

    they call him the meatshot machine

  7. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    impressive scout

  8. Mhaysun said:

    Cool guy.
    Bean a good season for him.

  9. Vostok said:

    Played against him in 4v4 and he rekt me. Nice scout.

  10. Feyne: NASA said:

    quite a mean scout

  11. Duckie: Devon - lol hl said:

    Had the privilege of playing scout alongside this beautiful man. A solid over all player =)

  12. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Easily div4, mega keen games player should go places.

  13. Yodo said:

    Mixed with him a lot, nice scout with good DM.

  14. Pandahh: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Real nice guy, easily Div4, maybe Div3 at a push.

  15. Casino said:

    One of the best scouts that I know – carried us in 4v4, great guy to play with and talk to. Don’t listen to Ama though he’s a physicist not a med student

  16. AB said:


    hugely improving scout and very keen to learn to improve

  17. Deexah said:

    Great guy, great scout, carrys games ez

  18. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    good gamer

  19. birdy: (ETF2L Donator) - GoodE said:

    really nice guy, fun to have in mumble and good scout to boot