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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Beginners

Posted by Marshy: | Last Online:

Hi there my name is Marshy. Last season i decided to start a division 6 team for fun and teach new players how to play 6v6 tf2. I am looking to do the same for next season so if you are interested in being part of a competitive tf2 team and willing to take the game serious and looking to improve please contact me on steam.

I am looking for all classes/roles except Pocket Soldier

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  1. Vinusan said:

    I will happily trial for scout. I have quite some experience on everything possible except real matches in ETF2l which is why I am looking for a team. I have good potential and have more than expected talent for my amount of hours only.
    Add me if I havent added you btw

  2. Jifd said:

    I’ve got some tf2 experience 2000h+ and want to play as a roamer soldier :D

  3. Lorave: PMW said:

    I’d love to start playing competitive as demo! :)

  4. her0es said:

    Hey, I’d like to try out as medic as I have a decent amount of experience as medic in 6v6.

  5. Blau said:

    Hey, my name is Tobias. I’m from germany and currently 15 years old. I’d love to try out as either Demoman or Roaming Soldier! I have overall 1.900 hours of TF2 on record. I have loads of (not sure, reset my score lately) hours on soldier and a little less on demo.

    Would love to cooperate with you! -Tobi

  6. Aaron Li said:

    I wouldn’t mind giving it a chance on scout. I’m Swedish, and 14 years old, My name is Aaron but nickname is Husky. I have experience in scout and hope that sometime we can squeeze in a trial. I think i have good potential but different people have different opinions

    Would love to work together with people in this team in the future ^^ – Husky

  7. uzumakii576 said:

    im available for roamer , scout

  8. Mensen555: Ht said:

    Hey, I am main demoman (400h+) and a lot of experience in HL.
    I can use Teamspeak/Mumble and have my own server that can be used.
    I wanted to try out 6’s so this looks like a good start.
    It looks really interesting and I have played some 6’s lobbies.
    I’d love to trial for your team, add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/sahqo

  9. tuckoto: [syz] said:

    I’d love to join, i have 600 hours, 100+ tf2lobbies and a few pugs. I’ve been looking round for a team but never got into a trial because there was no div 6 roamer spots.
    add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058282530/

  10. Swaylow said:

    Hey Marshy, i would love to be 1 of 2 Scouts in your Team^^

  11. Sparda21 said:

    Hi I’m 12 and would like to play pyro mge 1v1 me

  12. Jan /SGNm: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    I’d like to trial for a medic or scout. I have some prior experience from mixes and lobbies. I’m from Slovenia, 21 years old, have decent english and can play almost every night.

  13. bean: isaninja said:

    Hello my name is John, I am immensely interested in being tutored by Dave Marsh et el

  14. MOOSE_: wreK. said:

    Hello I am a roamer and I would love to join, add me for trials

  15. lawrence said:

    Can play scout and demo. Add me for trials! :)

  16. Brick Floyd: TBNC - sB! said:

    How is this going? Id love to join in as soldier.

  17. yardenttal said:

    i want to be solly allready taken ?
    add me if you want or

  18. Zitrooone said:

    hey there, i would be intrested in playing 6s scout
    i played hl sniper before then i started playing hl scout but i guess 6s is better to improve and a bit less chaotic
    im 17 years old and im from germany, got like 2.5k tf2 hours and like 150 with scout
    feel free to add me on steam (search for zitrooone and find eF | Zitrooone #S W▲G)

  19. Dashie said:

    Hello dear sir, im looking for a Medic slot in a 6s team div6. i do lobby almost every day and i really enjoy medic in 6s. to me: im a 16 years old guy from switzerland :3 i played tf2 around 1.5k houres and medic itself around 100.

    i can speak german and english

    if u want add me :3 steam id: cockrocket