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ScoutSoldier  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Belgium Anathema

Posted: | Last Online:

Since iG/Sektor finally decided to fold due to immense lineup problems, I find myself looking for a team once more.
Having played at a low div2 level with iG at the start, I found myself enjoying that thoroughly and was motivated to improve etc. Therefore:
Looking for div2 as scout, may consider topdiv3+ soldier offers.
I am:
-18 years old
-Belgian, speak English fluently
-Serious and focussed ingame
-Up for a laugh, enjoy a chat before and after the games
-Good comms

NOTE: Will be largely unavailable 7th-22nd of June due to exams.

Just add me on steam for a trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:15544815 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Grr! [6v6] Benito
Joined Team Grr! [6v6] Anathema
Left Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Anathema
Joined Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Anathema
Left Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Anathema
Joined Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Chaplain
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] ups
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Anathema
Left Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Anathema
Joined Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] Anathema
Left <3 Pendulum [6v6] Anathema
Joined Je Suis Une Bibliothèque [2v2] Anathema
Left Pop like a Cherry [2v2] alfa
Joined <3 Pendulum [6v6] crzfst
Left Paradigm [6v6] Anathema
Joined Pop like a Cherry [2v2] alfa
Joined Paradigm [6v6] Anathema
Left Voices Of Independence [6v6] Anathema
Left GamingMasters' Rocketeers [2v2] Anathema
Left GM Highlander [Highlander] Anathema
Joined ana ze teama [1v1] Anathema
Joined GM Highlander [Highlander] Waebi
Joined GamingMasters' Rocketeers [2v2] Anathema
Joined Voices Of Independence [6v6] Myke.

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 10 678
View Mid+ 12 764
View Mid 7 644
View Mid 1 241


  1. Archangel: amg said:

    Sektor ….. folded? WHAT? For fu** sake :|

    Good luck my belgium friend

  2. I blame valve: stiprs - WUL said:


    can easily handle div2


  3. Masther: Actimel said:

    What can I say – good luck in div 2 ;]

  4. Killchain said:

    great scout rapes ass :D pick him up

  5. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Hes good but I think hes slightly overrating himself.
    GL m8

  6. supamazii said:

    one of the funniest persons ive played with, really nice guy :)

  7. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Nice guy, good aim! Very much enjoy playing against him :)

    GL mate x

  8. Poxie said:

    Extremely nice guy, great scoot, can definitely take and crack dem jokes. Gl xx

  9. n0va: T2P said:

    i cant pronounce his name :< gl matey

  10. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:

    when i was in iG he was a really good solly and scout,non-rager and had the will to improve
    goodluck :o

  11. Pena said:

    Really good scout. Pick him up!

  12. Nor: rda said:


  13. Loco: Mayo said:


  14. Ijantis said:

    One of the few players who is actually mid+

    A great guy to have around and improve the atmoshpere on mumble and is always positive.

    Kept our team going through the lineup issues until we all decided to call it quits. 2 months of lineup issues gets to you quickly.

  15. Jake said:

    awesome singing skills ! (ask him)

  16. NerdZone said:

    Awesome guy, loves to play the obvious troll though :P

  17. dugi said:

    I’m quite new in this community, but this guy is really cool. I’ve played with him a lot of times and everything was really smooth with him.

    Nice comms, aim, gamesens, teamplay, he actually covers my ass when I ask him to…

    He might not be div1, but I don’t think he needs anything else than time to get in there.

    Glad he was the first guys I knew in this community ;D.

  18. Line: alus said:

    You from Oxford dude? :D

  19. Taimou said:

    epic balls.

    Overall great scout, a good addition to any div2/3 team and a dream scout partner.

    Gl in your search Anathema :)

  20. Pissmidget said:

    Loves making demos rage on bball, guuud times. Got awesome aim, sense, calls, and, more importantly, a really nice hat.

  21. algiosh4 said:

    Played in dm with him it seems he have very good aim :)

  22. Brutallus said:

    seems like a strong dm player

  23. sd_ said:

    Great fellow, helped me with my Scout. Tremendously nice. Pick him up! :)

  24. Blorg said:

    Lovely guy, and showed some skills in the mix I played with him. gl!

  25. Infernal said:

    Funny guy, good player! ;)

  26. Dny: T2P said:

    proper sexy guy, i’d tap it.

  27. dvb said:

    definately mid+ aim

  28. Blorg said:

    Friendly bump. :>

  29. olives: WUL said:

    Great Scout and a great guy! :) pretty god damn cool accent too :D could easily handle div2 :)

    gl mate

  30. Anathema said:

    Exams are over I can play now whoo )
    Also; Joining DSTM to help out, am still looking for a team.