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Medic  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Allyy

Posted: | Last Online:

going to uni early October and I'm not sure whether or not I can play there, so backup

spot is probably most appropriate

general shit:

– sick gamer
– work best in a playstyle with demo/solly maincalling so I can focus more on counting ubers, not dying, etc,
– LANable (hardly applies now but whatever)
– first rec post so happy for people to comment on whether I could go higher/should go lower
– div isn't really the main issue if I enjoy playing with the people

pm me for trial :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38705609 Add Friend

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Left England [National 6v6 Team] Starkie
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] kaidus
Left Last Man Standing [6v6] Whiteglow
Left England [National 6v6 Team] byte
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] Allyy
Joined Last Man Standing [6v6] Allyy
Left unity [6v6] Allyy
Joined unity [6v6] Allyy
Left Duttons For Buttons [6v6] Allyy
Joined Duttons For Buttons [6v6] Allyy
Left TCM Gaming [6v6] Allyy
Joined TCM Gaming [6v6] Allyy
Joined * and Hoes [2v2] Allyy
Left byte fight club [6v6] Allyy
Joined byte fight club [6v6] Allyy
Left the new one [6v6] MightyMe
Joined the new one [6v6] Allyy
Left SOLAR [6v6] Allyy
Joined SOLAR [6v6] Allyy
Left Inbread Cats [6v6] Allyy
Left Derpalicious Mentalmen [Highlander] Allyy
Joined Inbread Cats [6v6] Allyy
Joined Derpalicious Mentalmen [Highlander] ZIOM5000

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  1. Dahlbeck said:

    S1ck medic, SICK movement

  2. Not said:

    hate playing against him, ):

  3. evokje: WiK? said:

    Can very easily be a prem medic

  4. silleh said:

    Defended me against accusations, must be legit.

  5. cribbe: TC said:


  6. sickless: fnx.simrai said:

    good guy, potential prem medic

  7. Curt_Wild said:

    stfu dickless. this guy is good and if he makes it to the big time he has me to thank x

  8. rhys said:

    i am a medic div 2-3 if you need me kk cheers

  9. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Real up and coming talent. Keen to improve and a cool guy irl and online. Give him a chance

  10. Gozo: SOLAR - 9F said:

    easily div 1 imo. has really great movement.

  11. CrashSite: RIPMOULD said:

    Good at catching trains on time, while shitting himself in panic.

  12. poxie said:

    keen improver, i think div2 is within your sights atm, but keep gaining more and more experience, and keep on taking the advice on board!

  13. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    fastest upcoming talent i’ve ever seen o_O

    and curt stfu i requestinvited him into pu2

  14. GodOfFail said:

    objection crouton was faster lul

  15. Vanilla 涼宮ハル: F! said:

    skeej stfu I invited him to higher mixes first

    All good, could play div2