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Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 78 79 80 81 82 288 289 290 291 292

Country Name Type
European European La Girafe 6v6
Russia Russia Six*Legion 6v6
Hungary Hungary Team Two. 6v6
Israel Israel remove pls 6v6
Israel Israel remove pls 6v6
Lithuania Lithuania UnofficialLithuanianClan 6v6
Sweden Sweden Chaotech.TF2 Academy 6v6
Russia Russia Don't You See, Mmm? 6v6
Russia Russia *deleted* 6v6
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan n0tb0rn2b3pr0 6v6
France France KouNox 6v6
England England Little Kittens 6v6
Portugal Portugal PTRevolution 6v6
Spain Spain disting2.0 6v6
Austria Austria noname yet 6v6
Russia Russia Incision eSports 6v6
International International PartyFoods 6v6
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan killer man and the spaghetti experience 6v6
Sweden Sweden +46 6v6
Italy Italy Pyromani 6v6
Austria Austria Red Sands 6v6
European European World United Hippies Of The Free 6v6
Austria Austria TestGroupPleaseIgnore 6v6
European European pH. Gaming 6v6
European European FakkeltakeAndYoYoBrigade 6v6
Russia Russia 1nstant reaction 6v6
Poland Poland Vae Victis 6v6
International International Social Disinterestedness 6v6
European European beQuick. 6v6
Finland Finland Concupisco Ego 6v6
Portugal Portugal Kaput*Team 6v6
Denmark Denmark United Death Dealers 6v6
European European Team Dynamo 2 6v6
European European e-sports.gaming.tf2.team 6v6
Norway Norway Ignorant Bastards 6v6
Bulgaria Bulgaria DEWOW:: Reflex 6v6
Israel Israel Sup - Stupid Useless Players 6v6
France France Team MarchOmbre 6v6
International International Quantum.eSports 6v6
Switzerland Switzerland Team Colonslash: Shine ☼ 6v6
Romania Romania Div6Forever 6v6
European European Promotion 6v6
Russia Russia /*X community 6v6
Russia Russia Team Foust 6v6
Sweden Sweden Teamklaninavel 6v6
Poland Poland Ogary 6v6
European European 8U Gaming 6v6
Switzerland Switzerland to be deleted 6v6
Russia Russia [CG-team] 6v6
Russia Russia SoyuzUiN 6v6

1 2 3 4 5 78 79 80 81 82 288 289 290 291 292