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6v6 Summer 2023 Provisional Tiers, Map pool & Whitelist Updates

Date June 30, 2023

banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Poll Results & Map pool update

The polls for the last maps have been closed and we are now ready to announce the results.

  • Which two core maps would you like to play this Season?
    • cp_snakewater_final1: 65,96%
    • cp_sunshine: 60,70%
    • cp_gullywash_f9: 66,67%

The two core maps added to Division 2 and below will be cp_gullywash_f9 & cp_snakewater_final1

  • Which two 5CP maps would you like to play this Season?
    • cp_entropy_b4: 26,80%
    • cp_sultry_b8a: 32,65%
    • cp_reckoner_rc6: 60,82%
    • cp_metalworks_f5: 63,23

The two 5CP maps added to all divisions will be cp_metalworks_f5 & cp_reckoner_rc6

  • Which KOTH map would you like to play this Season?
    • koth_clearcut_b15d: 35,36%
    • koth_bagel_rc6: 64,64%

The KOTH map added to all divisions will be koth_bagel_rc6

Whitelist Update

The decision to ban the Loch-n-Load this Season started after receiving feedbacks from the Prem players. We have reviewed this and came to the conclusion that the upsides brought by the weapon were superior enough compared to the downsides to be considered banned.


  • +20% damages to buildings (which means destroying level 3 sentries in 2 pipes)
  • +25% grenade travel speed (which means building will be destroyed before you even start reacting unless you are already hitting your buildings)
  • Grenades do not tumble when fired (which means they go straight lines)

The result is faster grenade going straight lines and farther and doing more damages to the buildings.


  • -1 ammo clip
  • No roller

In a competitive environment rollers are barely used on purpose. They sometimes serve the purpose of small radius damages for what you missed as direct hits. In the very few situation you wish to spam a cornered area stickies can replace the grenades.

Comparing the upsides with the downsides we feel the Loch-n-Load is an upgrade from the Iron Bomber/Grenade Launcher.

Arguably some of you may disagree or dislike our decision but we believe it’s the right one. We will review the ban at the end of the Season to see how people felt about it.

The whitelist can be found here and is ready to be used.

Provisional Tiers & Restrictions

Down below are this Season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name or not having 6 players rostered on your team page. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.

Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over Discord. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.


Updated: 29.06.2023

Down below is the list of currently considered restrictions for the Season per team. If you wish to contest or believe some restrictions are missing contact us on Discord at the earliest time possible.

Division 1

  • Germany 21:17
    • No additional Prem players are allowed to join
    • Germany Gazy restricted from scout
    • Germany voxtec restricted from scout

Division 4






  1. lawjr: cooking said:

    “We believe the weapon to be a clear upgrade without any downgrade and found it to be unfit for the competitive game-mode”

    Try to write a statement more untrue than any etf2l announcement post. impossible challenge

  2. piquu: MAGDONAL said:

    we have decided to ban the Loch-n-Load for the Season.

  3. mix: Choke - COGU said:

    “Without any downgrade” ????

  4. Mercimek: :pray: said:

    please unban my loch n load

  5. ympo said:

    Today is a good day

  6. Sothis: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    no downside to the loch and load 0.o

  7. Fried Chicken of Death said:

    Rip hertz

  8. Luka Enderman: CCP said:

    Today is a good day

  9. mak FP: BIG said:

    wording is funny but great whitelist update 🙏

  10. Rahmed: RAH said:

    i forgot im in a low team lol

  11. Spajro said:

    Today is a good day

  12. Monkey: ZAZU said:

    Shitty whitelist update with its most untrue argument to back it up

  13. Tonton Flairix: Aldi - iK said:

    LFT …

  14. Luigixby said:

    El doby ese, restricto de scau?????

  15. bum: Dancer said:

    good riddance lnl

  16. Dejvi: MPREG - DBLE said:

    BigZZZ restricted from engineer

    BigZZZ’s reign of terror will not see the dawn, good restrictions admins

  17. Zesty: (blaster) - open - bobs said:


  18. Mong: VVV said:

    admins did not look at my 6s logs

  19. cori: Brett - OBAMA said:

    Was ein Schabernack!

  20. Taythin said:


  21. godblessedme. said:

    wtf new div???

  22. Gigi: 7h - buud$cult said:

    maybe stop banning hl noobs from playing classes they need to play in 6v6..

  23. 0mger: L_? - HOUSE said:

    lower div people still getting restricted off engie, pyro, heavy or spy…

  24. Mong: VVV said:

    I hate the loch n load but why must admins be so obviously wrong about banning it? No downgrades? Clear upgrade? Clearly not. Read the red text of the weapon. Oh wait, admins can’t read. Maybe just say it’s slightly too powerful in some situations, too different from normal pipes (different timing and range which confuse players) and unfun to play against.

  25. Cloud: exo. - NLGF HL said:

    ban loch-n-load? ok.

  26. Daedalus: FPO said:

    engi in 6s is so OP

  27. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    Hold on i think they meant the iron bomber with no downgrades