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6v6 Winter Showdown 2023 Premiership Qualifiers & Map Poll!

Date February 20, 2023

ETF2L 6v6 Season 44

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Map pool

In the original season announcement, we polled the community to choose between two koth maps. With 59,14% of the votes going in favor of koth_product_final against the 40,86% of koth_clearcut_b15d, we will be adding Product to the map pool of the 6v6 Winter Showdown 2023.

However, the map pool is yet to be completed… as we are still missing two maps! So here is the poll to fill the remaining slots:

Pick two of these maps to add to the 6v6 Winter Showdown 2023

Total Voters: 301

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Vote will close on February 23, 2023 at 23:59 CET


Based on last season’s performance and their roster stability, these teams will retain their spot in Premiership

Additionally, based on their recent results, we have decided to bring the following teams into Premiership without them having to go through the qualifiers


That leaves us with the following two teams to battle for the last spot:

European The Last Resort vs UnitedKingdom :wheelchair:

The match will follow a Best-of-Three format and must be played with the results submitted before Sunday, the 26th, at 23:59 CET.

Teams will follow the pick & ban process outlined below, using only the following subset of maps:

Pick & ban process:

  • Team A bans a map
  • Team B bans a map
  • Team B picks a map
  • Team A picks a map
  • Team B bans a map
  • Team A bans a map
  • The remaining map will be the decider

Map pool:




  1. Doughy: BIG - BRIT said:

    hempus curse or a div 2 team, what will win?

  2. mak FP: BIG said:

    ^ what is your gender ?

  3. Doughy: BIG - BRIT said:


  4. xCape: LSTRS said:


  5. Nicky: DTR said:

    U put granary in the confirmed maps and the poll

  6. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    @Nicky yes so that Div2 and lower get a chance to have Granary in. In case Granary ends up being in we will add the 3rd most voted map in for Prem/Div1

  7. hemp: ORA said:

    don’t be mean !

  8. foop said:

    Why can’t we just have regular metalworks? Proworks is so ass.

  9. SIA said:

    you can play ctf_2fort if you want

  10. Sabesaroo: Arti Rush said:

    mannbase go

  11. deli: CENTO said:

    vote form has no check, one can submit only 1 vote; fix pls